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Polynuclear Hydrocarbons MCQ with Answer of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 2 B.Pharm 3rd Semester. All the Multiple Choice Questions and Answers share in this post are extremely helpful from an exam perspective so read and learn them all.

Polynuclear Hydrocarbons MCQ with Answer | Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 2 | B.Pharm 3rd Semester
1.Naphthalene undergoes oxidation with Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4 to form
- Phthalic acid
- Benzoic acid
- Teraline
- Phenyl acetic acid
Ans: Phthalic acid
2. Naphthalene undergoes nitration with HNO3/H2SO4 at 60 °C to give mainly
- 1-Nitronapthalene
- 1,2-Nitronapthalene
- 2-Nitronapthalene
- 2,5-Nitronapthalene
Ans: 1-Nitronapthalene
3. Which of the following is starting material in Haworth’s synthesis of naphthalene
- succininc anhydride
- Phthalic anhydride
- acetic anhydride
- None of the above
Ans: succininc anhydride
4. Which of the following statement is TRUE in electrophilic aromatic substitution of
- α-Product forms
- β-product forms
- Both α & β product forms
- α product always predominates depending on the condition
Ans: α product always predominates depending on the condition
5. Nitration of naphthalene molecule at room temperature gives
- 1-nitronaphthalene
- 2-nitronaphthalene
- 4-nitronaphthalene
- 8-nitronaphthalene
Ans: 1-nitronaphthalene
6. Naphthalene on oxidation with CrO3/CH3COOH gives
- 1,2-Naphthoquinone
- 1,3-Naphthoquinone
- 1,4-Naphthoquinone
- No reaction
Ans: 1,4-Naphthoquinone
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7. Naphthalene on oxidation with V2O5 gives
- Succinic anhydride
- Phthalic anhydride
- Acetic anhydride
- No reaction
Ans: Phthalic anhydride
8. β-Napthalenediazonium chloride converted to naphthalene in the presence of
- H3PO2
- CuBr
- CuCN
- HCl
Ans: H3PO2
9. All carbon atoms in naphthalene are
- Sp hybridised
- sp2 hybridised
- sp3 hybidised
- None of the above
Ans: sp2 hybridised
10. Anthracene on bromination in the presence of Br2/CCl4 gives
- 9-Bromoanthracene
- 1-Bromoanthracene
- 2-Bromoanthracene
- 4-Bromoanthracene
Ans: 1-Bromoanthracene
11. Anthracene on sulphonation in presence of Con H2SO4 at high temperature gives
- 1-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 2-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 4-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 9-Anthracenesulfonic acid
Ans: 2-Anthracenesulfonic acid
12. Anthracene on sulphonation in presence of Con H2SO4 at low temperature gives
- 1-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 2-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 4-Anthracenesulfonic acid
- 9-Anthracenesulfonic acid
Ans: 1-Anthracenesulfonic acid
13. Anthracene on oxidation in the presence of Na2Cr2O7 /Con H2SO4 gives
- 9,10 Anthraquinone
- 9,10 Dihydroanthracene
- 1,4 Anthraquinone
- 1,4 Dihydroanthracene
Ans: 9,10 Anthraquinone
14. Anthracene on reduction in presence of H2/Pd-C gives
- 9,10 Anthraquinone
- 9,10 Dihydroanthracene
- 1,4 Anthraquinone
- 1,4 Dihydroanthracene
Ans: 9,10 Dihydroanthracene
15. Starting materials for the synthesis of phenanthrene are
- Naphthalene & acetic anhydride
- Naphthalene & phthalic anhydride
- Naphthalene & succinic anhydride
- Naphthalene & benzene
Ans: Naphthalene & succinic anhydride
16. Friedel-crafts acylation of phenanthrene gives
- 1-acetylphenanthrene
- 4-acetylphenanthrene
- 9-acetylphenanthrene
- 10-acetylphenanthrene
Ans: 9-acetylphenanthrene
17. Anthracene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions mainly at
- C-1
- C-2
- C-9
- C-1 and C-2
Ans: C-9
18. Anthracene undergoes oxidation with O2/V2O5 at 500°C to give
- Benzoic acid
- Anthraquinone
- Phthalic acid
- Benzophenone
Ans: Anthraquinone
19. Naphthalene undergoes reduction with H2 in the presence of Ni catalyst at
high temperature and pressure to give
- Phthalic acid
- Decalin
- Benzoic acid
- Tetralin
Ans: Decalin
20. Which of the following fractions of coal-tar distillation contains naphthalene?
- Light oil
- Middle oil
- Heavy oil
- Anthracene oil
Ans: Middle oil
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