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Fats and Oils MCQ and Answers of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 2 B.Pharm 3rd Semester. All the Multiple Choice Questions and Answers share in this post are extremely helpful from an exam perspective so read and learn them all.

Fats and Oils MCQ and Answers | Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry | B.Pharm 3rd Semester
1. Fats and oils are
- Esters
- Amides
- Carboxylic acids
- Phenols
Ans: Esters
2. Soaps are prepared by hydrolysis of trigylcerides using
- HCl
- H2SO4
- NaOH
- H2O
Ans: NaOH
3. Example of drying oil is
- Coconut oil
- Castor oil
- Linseed oil
- Olive oil
Ans: Linseed oil
4. Which of the below fatty acid is an example of unsaturated fatty acid
- Myristic acid
- Oleic acid
- Palmitic acid
- Stearic acid
Ans: Oleic acid
5. Which of the following statement is TRUE
- Fats and oils soluble in water
- Fats and oils contain both polar and non polar group
- Fats and oils are salts of carboxylic acids
- Fats and oils are amides of fatty acids
Ans: Fats and oils contain both polar and non polar group
6. The saponification value of oil is more than 2 indicates
- Oil is fress
- Oil is deteroriated
- It has no effect on oil
- Oil contain more unsaturated fatty acid
Ans: Oil is deteroriated
7. Fats and oils are
- monoesters of glycerol
- diesters of glycerol
- triesters of glycerol
- triesters of glycol
Ans: triesters of glycerol
8. Sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids are called
- Protein
- Terpenes
- Carbohydrates
- Soaps
Ans: Soaps
9. Oleic acid is a fatty acid-containing
- 12 carbons
- 14 carbons
- 16 carbons
- 18 carbons
Ans: 18 carbons
10. Liquid oils can be converted to solid fats by
- Hydrolysis
- Hydrogenation
- Saponification
- oxidation of double bond
Ans: Hydrogenation
11. Partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils in the presence of Ni catalyst at 200 °C gives
- Vanaspati ghee
- Margarine
- Both of these
- Non of these
Ans: Vanaspati ghee
12. Synthetic detergents can be represented by the following general formula
- RONa
Ans: ROSO3Na
13. Alkaline hydrolysis of fats and oils is called
- Saponification
- Fermentation
- Diazotisation
- Rancidification
Ans: Saponification
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14. The degree of unsaturation of fat can be determined by the mean of its
- Iodine value
- Saponification value
- Ester value
- Acetyl value
Ans: Iodine value
15. stearic acid is a fatty acid-containing
- 12 carbons
- 14 carbons
- 16 carbons
- 18 carbons
Ans: 18 carbons
16. Palmitic acid is a fatty acid-containing
- 12 carbons
- 14 carbons
- 16 carbons
- 18 carbons
Ans: 16 carbons
17. Melting point of Oleic acid is
- 58 °C
- 63 °C
- 70 °C
- 4 °C
Ans: 4 °C
18. Fats and oils are
- monoesters of glycerol
- diesters of glycerol
- triesters of glycerol
- diesters of glycol
Ans: triesters of glycerol
19. Fats differ from waxes in that fats have :
- More unsaturation
- Higher melting points
- A glycerol backbone
- Longer fatty acids
Ans: A glycerol backbone
20. Both stearic acid and linoleic acid have 18 carbons. Linoleic acid is
unsaturated, while stearic acid is saturated. The melting point of stearic acid :
- is higher than linoleic acid
- is lower than linoleic acid
- is same as linoleic acid
- can not predict, insufficient information
Ans: is higher than linoleic acid
21. Liquid oils can be converted to solid fats by
- Hydrogenation
- Saponification
- Hydrolysis
- Oxidation of double bonds
Ans: Hydrogenation
22. Which of the following compounds will not be classified as lipids?
- Fats
- Waxes
- Soaps
- Oils
Ans: Waxes
23. Which of the following terms best describes the compound below?
- a fatty acid
- an oil
- a wax
- a soap
Ans: a fatty acid
24. Which of the following terms best describes the compound below?
- an unsaturated fatty acid
- a triglyceride
- a synthetic detergent
- a micelle
Ans: an unsaturated fatty acid
25. Which of the following statements best describes the structure of waxes?
- long-chain unsaturated carboxylic acids
- long-chain saturated carboxylic acids
- long-chain esters
- short-chain esters
Ans: long-chain esters
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