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Welcome to another post of MyPharmaGuide where we will share some DPharm 1st Year Important Questions for the upcoming examinations. We hope that they will help you guys to score some better marks in your exams. We have shared D.Pharm 1st Year Important Question Subject wise so you can easily read them and study them.
Pharmaceutics DPharm 1st Year Important Questions
Here we have shared Pharmaceutics short and descriptive questions.
Pharmaceutics Important Short Questions
- Give examples of nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners.
- Give one example of prodrugs.
- What are toxoids?
- BCG vaccine is used to treat _______________ diseases.
- _______________ is used for storage of photosensitive pharmaceutical product.
- _________________ are used to separate the suspension of a solid in a gas(air).
- The working principle of ball mill is_____________ & __________________.
- What is menstruum?
- In case of filtration the rate of filtration is ________________ to the particle size.
- Why simple syrup I.P. is considered a self-preservative?
- What is the HLB system of emulsifying agents? Discuss the selection of emulsifying agents.
- Differentiate between Active and Passive immunity along with examples.
- Why white soft paraffin is not used in eye ointment bases?
- First Indian Pharmaceutical Codexwas published in ___________.
- Differentiate between hard and soft gelatin capsules.
- Why Glycerine is added to throat paints?
- Define with example (any two): Suspension, Emulsions, Suppositories
- Write the test for the identification of an emulsion.
- Why oily vehicles are not used in the preparation of nasal drops? Give reason.
- Define displacement value.
- State difference between syrup and elixir.
- Mention different mechanisms used for size reduction.

Pharmaceutics Important Descriptive Questions
- Classify plastic materials with examples. What is a cullet?
- What are the advantages of a Novel drug delivery system over a traditional drug delivery system?
- Justify the importance of preservatives in the pharmaceutical industry. Classify preservatives according to their mechanism of action.
- Explain construction and working of Cutter Mill or Hammer Mill
- Write down the working principle and use of the hammer mill.
- Define drying and its application in the pharmaceutical industry.
- Differentiate between flocculated and deflocculated suspension.
- Define syrup. Write a note on various methods of preparation of syrup.
- What is a primary emulsion? Explain the preparation of emulsion.
- Discuss the salient features of the third edition of pharmacopoeia.
- Write a short note on the mixing powders.
- Define extraction with classification. Write down any two factors which are related to filtration.
- Write a short note on the Double cone blender.
- Define ointment. Classify ointment bases. Describe the various methods of preparation of ointment.
- Define suppositories with advantages and disadvantages. What are the ideal properties of suppositories bases?
- Write the manufacturing defects in tablet manufacturing.
- Write the stability problems associated with emulsion. How can you overcome it?
- Differentiate between – 1. Pastes and Ointments. 2. Lotions and Liniments.
- Define and classify different types of tablets.
- Give principle, working and use of fluidized bed drier

Pharmaceutical Chemistry D.Pharm 1st Year Important Question Papers
We have shared 3types of Important Questions for Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Long Answer Questions
- Write the chemical structure, chemical name, uses and brand names of the following drugs
- Phenytoin
- Fluconazole
- Propranolol
- Fluoxetine
- Furosemide
- Metformin
- Paracetamol
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Short Answers Questions
- Write the uses, stability and storage conditions, and types of formulations of the following drugs
- Dopamine
- Acetylcholine
- Clidinium bromide
- Atropine sulphate
- Aspirin
- Diazepam
- Ferrous sulphate
- Aluminium hydroxide gel
- Amitriptyline
- Calcium carbonate
- Ibuprofen
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Objective Answers Questions
- Use of Dicyclomine hydrochloride is ____________
- Use of Atenolol is ____________
- Example of Hexadentate ligand is ___________
- _________ is a cyclic hydrocarbon which is used as general anaesthetics.
- Chlorpromazine elixir can be used as________
- Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be treated by________
- Anxiety disorder can be treated with _________
- ________ is a natural anti-arrhythmic agent.
- Isosorbide di-nitrate is act as a________
- _________is act as low ceiling diuretics.
- ________ is a natural hypoglycaemic agent.
- Example of natural analgesic is ________
- 2-acetoxy benzoic acid is used to treat_________
- Acetaminophen is also known as ________
- Primaquine is used to treat_________
- which penicillin is narrow spectrum penicillin?
- Streptomycin is a example of ________
- Vinca alkaloids are used to treat_________
- ceric sulphate is used as oxidizing agent in ________ titration
- write an example of a self-indicator.
Social Pharmacy DPharm 1st Year Important Questions
Social Pharmacy Important Objective Questions
- CDSCO stands for ____________. (Central Drug Standard and ControlOrganization)
- The sterilization operati0on in the case of males is called ____. (Vasectomy)
- BCG vaccine is introduced into our body through the _____ route. (Intradermal)
- Vitamin B1 is also known as ____. (Thiamine)
- Which part of Curcuma longa plants are used as nutraceuticals? (Rhizomes)
- The presence of Koplik’s spots confirms the diagnosis of _____ the disease. (Measles)
- Whooping Cough is caused by ________ bacteria. (Bordetella Pertussis)
- In which year National Leprosy Control Programme was introduced? (1954)
- Hepatitis B was formerly known as ______. (Serum hepatitis)
- Diethylcarbamazine is the drug of choice for treating ____ (Filariasis)
- Treponema Pallidum is responsible for __ disease. (Syphilis)
- Normal blood glucose level ranges from _ to _ mg per 100 ml. (70-90)
- __ means completely eliminating a disease from the human population. a) Eradication b)Prevention c)Intervention d)Control (Ans: a)
- Which of the following factor affects health? a)Environment b)Socio-economic c)Personal d)All (Ans: d)
- Symptoms of upper respiratory infection typically last from __ days. a)3 to 14 b)20 to 22 c)1 to 10 d)16 to 19 (Ans: a)
- In India, ____ % of cases of malaria occur due to Plasmodium vivax. a)20 b)70 c)10 d)40
- The SARS coronavirus genome is approximate ____ kb. a)29.7 b)10.7 c)12.7 d)18.7
- India reported HIV or AIDS cases at the beginning of ______.
- Xerophthalmia is __________
- Which is a Trace element?
Social Pharmacy Important Short Questions
- Write a note on Role of Pharmacist in Public Health.
- Describe about Millennium Development Goals.
- What are the signs and symptoms of Drug addiction?
- Classify Food.
- Write a note on Nutraceuticals.
- Write down the Health Impact of Junk Foods.
- Define the term Epidemiology, Epidemic, Endemic and Pandemic.
- Write a note on SARS.
- Write about Leprosy.
- Write a Note on NPCBVI.
- Write a Note on NPCCHH.
Social Pharmacy Important Long Questions
- Describe about Indicators of Health
- What are the different contraceptive measures? Describe any one of them
- Describe the Importance of breast Feeding
- Write about Air Pollution
- Describe various Vitamins
- Discuss about STDs
- Write causative agent, clinical presentation, treatment and role of Pharmacist in case of tuberculosis
Pharmacognsoy D.Pharm 1st Year Important Questions
Pharmacognosy Important Long Answer Questions
- Write in short about the pharmacological classification of crude drugs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of classification?
- Define alkaloids and write about their properties. Classify alkaloids with examples.
- Write the synonym, biological source, chemical constituents of an antihypertensive and an antimalarial crude drug?
- Write short notes on Digitalis and Senna
- Write the biological source, chemical constituents, uses and preparation of Cotton.
- Write in details about the preparation of Asava and Churna. (Give diagram wherever applicable)
- What is a nutraceutical? Give example of one such crude drug which can be used as nutraceutical. Define prebiotic and probiotic.
- Write a short note on the uses of following drugs: (a) Antitumour (b) Diuretics (c) Antirheumatics (d) Antiseptics & Disinfectant (e) Drugs acting on CNS
- Write biological source, chemical constituent and uses of the following drugs: (a) Liquorice (b) Senna (c) Castor oil (d) Opium.
- Write the identification tests of the following: (a) Alkaloids (b) Glycosides (c) Tannins (d) Volatile Oil
Pharmacognsoy Important Short Answe Questions
- Define Sophistication, Admixture and Spoilage.
- Write a short note on Ayurveda.
- How can you identify steroids and triterpenoids by the help of phytochemical investigation?
- Give an example of antidiabetic crude drug with its synonym, biological source, chemical constituents and adulterants.
- Write the uses of Papain, Diastase and Kaolin.
- Classify glycosides on the basis of the linkage between glycone and aglycone.
- Write a short note on anti-tussive crude drugs or astringents.
- Write biological source, chemical constituents, commercial preparation, therapeutic and cosmetic uses of Sandalwood oil.
- Write a short note on moisture content or ash value.
- Write the chemical constituents of Gokhru, Fennel and Opium.
- What are antitussives? Explain any two drugs under this category.
- Write the uses of following drugs:- (a) Belladonna (b) Garlic (c) Beeswax (d) Chaulmoogra oil (e) Ispagula
- Give a detail about biological source, chemical constituent and uses of the following drugs: (a) Rauwolfia (b) Ginger (c) Cinchona (d) Nux- vomica.
Human Anatomy and Physiology D.Pharm 1st Year Important Questions
Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Short Questions
- Define cell. Enlist its components.
- Give the names of four Cranial Nerves.
- Name the hormones secreted by Adrenal glands.
- Name fundamental tissues of the body.
- Name the arteries supplying blood to liver, intestine diaphragm and kidneys.
- Draw a neat labeled diagram of L.S of Kidney.
- Name different organs of respiratory system
- Explain how skin helps in maintaining body temperature.
- Define: Anatomy and Physiology.
- List the types of cells present in the blood.
- What is cardiac output ? Write its normal value.
- Give the functions of hypothalamus.
- Define Anatomy & Physiology.
- Name different organs of respiratory system.
- Give the components of lymphatic system.
- Mention disease caused by hyposecretion and hypersecretion of growth hormones.
- Mention any two functions of spleen.
- Name the three auditory ossicles.
- ‘Mitochondria is called power house of cell’ State reason.
- Draw and label reflex arc.
- Define lymph. Mention different components of lymphatic system
- Define: Medial, Lateral, Menninges, GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate), Anaemia, Reproduction, Cell
Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Long Questions
- Write the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve stimulation on (i) Heart (ii) Blood vessels and (iii) Pupil.
- Mention the digested end products and enlist the enzymes involved in (i) carbohydrate (ii) protein digestion
- Define hormone. Enlist the hormones secreted by anterior and posterior pituitary gland.
- Explain the process of urine formation.
- Name any six cranial nerves with function.
- Write anatomy and physiology of thyroid gland.
- Explain conducting system in heart.
- Write the mechanism of blood coagulation.
- Define Respiration. Explain the mechanism of respiration.
- Classify Muscular Tissue. Explain anatomy and physiology of different types of muscular tissue
- Differentiate between CNS & ANS.
- Define blood pressure. Explain factors maintaining blood pressure.
- Define Digestion. Explain chemical digestion of food.
- Define Skeleton. Write the difference between male and female pelvis.
- Give the role of diaphragm in the mechanism of respiration.
- Name the methods of measurement of blood pressure. Explain the auscultatory method of measurement of BP.
- Justify that pancreas is both exocrine and endocrine gland.
- What is puberty ? Give the features of puberty in male.
- What is menstrual cycle ? Describe the phases of menstruation.
- Explain the negative feedback mechanism of endocrine glands.
- Give the role of oestrogen and progesterone in body.
- Give composition and functions of cerebrospinal fluid.
- Draw a well labelled diagram of internal ear.
- Explain, how kidneys help to maintain water balance of body.
- Describe with a neat diagram how circulation of blood takes place through heart.
- What is neuromuscular junction ? Explain physiology of neuromuscular junction.
- Define shock. Explain different types of shock.Give composition and functions of pancreatic juice.
DPharm 1st Year Important Questions For 2022 Free Download
Download D.Pharm Important Questions Papers For 1st Year.
Subject Name | Paper 1 | Paper 2 | Paper 3 | Paper 3 |
Pharmaceutics | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Pharmacognosy | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Social Pharmacy | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Human Anatomy and Physiology | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
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