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Download Pharmacovigilance PPT and use them for your study and project works. Pharmacovigilance is that the science and activities concerning the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or the opposite medicine/vaccine-related problem. All medicines and vaccines undergo rigorous testing for safety and efficacy through clinical trials before they’re authorized to be used.
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1. Overview of Pharmacovigilance PPT
In this part, we have covered the introduction of Pharmacovigilance. Like What is Pharmacovigilance, the Definition of Pharmacovigilance provided by WHO, the Limitation of Pharmacovigilance and many more. The link to download the full PPT is given below. Just click on the link and you will be redirected to the downloading page.
2. Introduction to Adverse Drug Reaction
An adverse Drug event is any untoward occurrence that may present during medical treatment But does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the treatment. Adverse Drug Reaction is classified into six different types and they are A(Augmented), B(Bizarre), C(Continuous), D(Delayed), E(Ending Use), F(Failure of Efficacy). But broadly it is two types A(predictable) – Based on pharmacological properties and type B (Non-predictable) – Based on the Immunological response and genetic makeup of a person.
To read the full note download the PPT from below.
3. Terminologies Used in Pharmacovigilance
Meaning of terminologies asked in most of the Pharmacovigilance interviews. Terminologies like Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR), Allopathy, Association, Attributable Risk, Biological risks, casual relationship, causality assessment, caveat document, cem flow, clinical trials, Cohort Event Monitoring (CEM), compliance, control group, Critical Terms, data mining, de challenge, disproportionality analysis, effectiveness, efficacy etc. There are more than commonly used pharmacovigilance terms given in the below pdf file with good explanations and examples.
4. Drug Dictionary and Coding in Pharmacovigilance
5. ICH Guidelines and Pharmacovigilance
In this note, we will learn about Clinical Safety for Drugs used in Long-Term Treatment, Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting, Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports, IWG Implementation: Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports, Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report, Post-Approval Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting, Pharmacovigilance Planning, Development Safety Update Report, Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports, Good Clinical Practice Finalised and many more topics. Download the full Pharmacovilance ppt from below.
6. Communication in Pharmacovigilance
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