Cell and Tissue MCQ Questions with Answers

Human Anatomy and Physiology Cell and Tissues MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers. Cells and Tissues important objective Multiple Choice Questions with Answers.

Cell and Tissue MCQ Questions with Answers
Cell and Tissue MCQ Questions with Answers
  1. Which structure within the cell produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate)?
    A. The mitochondria
    B. The nucleus
    C. Peripheral proteins
    D. The endoplasmic reticulum
    Answer is A: This is a basic function of mitochondria. All other answers are wrong.
  2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the cell plasma membrane?
    A. Cholesterol
    B. Proteins
    C. Microfilaments
    D. Phospholipids
    Answer is C: Microfilaments occur inside the cell.
  3. Which list below contains the four types of tissue?
    A. Extracellular fluid, skeletal tissue, glandular tissue, connective tissue
    B. Extracellular fluid, muscle tissue, glandular tissue, cartilaginous tissue
    C. Neural tissue, skeletal tissue, epithelial tissue, cartilaginous tissue
    D. Neural tissue, muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, connective tissue
    Answer is D: These are the four types. Extracellular fluid is not a tissue. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue.
  4. Except for one, the following are types of cells. Which one is NOT a type of cell?
    A. Platelets
    B. Leucocytes
    C. Macrophages
    D. Osteoblasts
    Answer is A: Platelets are fragments of a cell (a megakaryocyte) bound by a membrane.
  5. In which part of a cell does the process of making ATP from oxygen and glucose take place?
    A. Lysosomes
    B. Ribosomes
    C. Mitochondria
    D. Golgi apparatus
    Answer is C: ATP production is the function of mitochondria.
  6. Which of the following is a function of membrane proteins?
    A. To process lipids and proteins for secretion through the plasma membrane
    B. To act as receptors for hormones
    C. To synthesise proteins from amino acids
    D. To act as a cytoskeleton to support and shape the cell
    Answer is B: One function of membrane proteins is to receive (amino acid-based) hormones that cannot pass through the plasma membrane.
  7. What is the difference between simple squamous cells and simple columnar cells?
    A. Squamous cells are flattened, while columnar cells are taller than they are wide.
    B. Simple squamous cells are one layer thick, while simple columnar cells are several layers thick.
    C. Simple squamous cells are epithelial tissue, while simple columnar cells are connective tissue.
    D. Squamous cells are flattened, while columnar cells are cuboidal.
    Answer is A: The names of the cells contain a description of their shape: either flat or like columns. Simple refers to a single layer of cells.
  8. Which of the following is NOT an example of a cell?
    A. Macrophages
    B. Lysosomes
    C. Plasmocytes
    D. Chondroblasts
    Answer is B: The suffix “-some” refers to an organelle within a cell. The other suffixes all indicate a type of cell.
  9. Which cell organelles contain an acidic environment capable of digesting a wide variety of molecules?
    A. Lysosomes
    B. Ribosomes
    C. Centrosomes
    D. Golgi complex
    Answer is A: The prefix “lyso-” refers to the ability to dissolve or destroy molecules or cells.
  10. Which form of transport through the plasma membrane requires the expenditure of energy by the cell?
    A. Facilitated diffusion
    B. Osmosis
    C. Active transport
    D. Diffusion
    Answer is C: The term “active” implies using energy (in the form of ATP) to move a molecule against its concentration gradient while the other processes are all passive.
  11. Which of the tissue types below consists of a single layer of cells?
    A. Stratified squamous epithelial tissue
    B. Glandular epithelium
    C. Areolar connective tissue
    D. Simple columnar epithelial tissues
    Answer is D: The word “simple” indicates a single layer of cells. Stratified means several layers (or strata) of cells.
  12. One of the following is NOT a serous membrane. Which one?
    A. Pleura
    B. Peritoneum
    C. Mucosa
    D. Pericardium
    Answer is C: Mucosa is a mucous membrane (and secretes mucus).
  13. Which of the following is NOT made predominantly from epithelial tissue?
    A. In the dermis
    B. In exocrine glands
    C. In endocrine glands
    D. In the endothelium of blood vessels
    Answer is A: The dermis contains connective tissue, nervous tissue and muscle as well as epithelial tissue.
  14. What are tendons and ligaments composed of?
    A. Dense connective tissue
    B. Liquid connective tissue
    C. Muscular tissue
    D. Epithelial tissue
    Answer is A: Tendons and ligaments are dense CT. This is strong as there is a high proportion of fibres.
  15. What is the composition of the intercellular matrix in connective tissue?
    A. Cells and fibres
    B. Serous and mucous membranes and lamina propria
    C. Protein fibres and ground substance
    D. Interstitial fluid
    Answer is C: “Intercellular” means between cells. So matrix is fibres and ground substance (but no cells).
  16. Which statement about the plasma membrane is INCORRECT?
    A. It is selectively permeable.
    B. It is composed of two layers of glycoprotein molecules.
    C. It contains receptors for specific signalling molecules.
    D. The plasma membranes of adjacent cells are held together by desmosomes.
    Answer is B: The PM is indeed made of two layers, but they are phospholipid (not glycoprotein) molecules.
  17. Which of the following is NOT epithelial tissue?
    A. The epidermis
    B. Glandular tissue
    C. The internal lining of blood vessels
    D. The dermis
    Answer is D: The dermis contains some of all four types of tissue.
  18. Which of the following is NOT a cell found in connective tissue?
    A. Adipocytes
    B. Chondroblasts
    C. Keratinocytes
    D. Osteoblasts
    Answer is C: Keratinocytes are in the epidermis which is epithelial tissue. The other cell types occur in fat, cartilage and bone.
  19. What tissue has cells that are closely packed and that have one surface attached to a basement membrane and the other free to a space?
    A. Epithelial tissue
    B. Muscle tissue
    C. Connective tissue
    D. Nervous tissue
    Answer is A: This is a definition of epithelial tissue.
  20. What is the name of the mechanism that ensures that there is a higher concentration of sodium ions in the extracellular fluid than in the intracellular fluid?
    A. Facilitated diffusion
    B. The sodium-potassium pump
    C. Secondary active transport
    D. Osmosis
    Answer is B: The “pump” (or ATPase) transports Na+ out and K+ into the cell.
  21. What are lysosomes, centrosomes and ribosomes example of?
    A. Stem cells
    B. Organelles within a cell
    C. Sensory receptors in the dermis
    D. Exocrine glands
    Answer is B: The suffix “-some” refers to small body or organelle within a cell.
  22. What does simple columnar epithelial tissue refer to? Tissue with:
    A. A single layer of cells longer than they are wide.
    B. A single layer of cells whose length, breadth and depth are about the same size.
    C. Several layers of cells, all of the same type
    D. Several layers of cells but without a basement membrane
    Answer is A: Simple = one layer. Columnar means oblong or shaped like a column.
  23. Which of the following is NOT an example of connective tissue?
    A. Blood
    B. Bone
    C. Tendon
    D. Epidermis
    Answer is D: The epidermis (on top of the dermis) is epithelial tissue.
  24. What is the function of phospholipids in the plasma membrane?
    A. To maintain the intracellular fluid at a similar composition to that of the interstitial fluid
    B. To form channels to selectively allow passage of small molecules
    C. To act as receptors for signalling chemicals
    D. To present a barrier to the passage of water-soluble molecules
    Answer is D: Molecules that are soluble in water cannot pass through lipid (fat). So the phospholipids are a barrier. The functions described by B and C are performed by other molecules in the plasma membrane.
  25. Which one of the following cell types is found in epithelial tissue?
    A. Plasma cells
    B. Leucocytes
    C. Keratinocytes
    D. Chondroblasts
    Answer is C: Keratinocytes produce keratin, the protein of the epidermis, which is epithelial tissue.
  26. Which of the following is NOT part of the plasma membrane of a cell?
    A. Integral proteins
    B. Glycoproteins
    C. Plasma proteins
    D. Peripheral proteins
    Answer is C: As the name implies, plasma proteins are found in the blood plasma. Not to be confused with the plasma membrane.
  27. A major role for mitochondria is to:
    A. Transcribe the information in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
    B. Produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
    C. Synthesise proteins from amino acids
    D. Use enzymes to lyse molecules
    Answer is B: ATP is only produced within the mitochondria.
  28. Choose the tissue below that is one of the four primary types of body tissue.
    A. Epidermal tissue
    B. Epithelial tissue
    C. Interstitial tissue
    D. Osseous tissue
    Answer is B: Epithelial is a major tissue type (as is muscle, nervous and connective).
  29. What are the primary types of tissue in the body?
    A. Muscle, nervous, connective and epithelial
    B. Muscle, nervous, connective, osseous and epithelial
    C. Muscle, nervous, connective, osseous, blood and epithelial
    D. Muscle, nervous, connective, glandular and epithelial
    Answer is A: There are four major types (not five or six). Osseous and blood are also connective, while glandular tissue is also epithelial.
  30. What is the name of the membrane that surrounds the lungs?
    A. Visceral peritoneum
    B. Parietal peritoneum
    C. Visceral pleura
    D. Dura mater
    Answer is C: Pleura is around the lungs, while visceral refers to the layer of the pleura that is attached to the lung surface.
  31. What is a role performed by mitochondria?
    A. Contain enzymes capable of digesting molecules
    B. Produce ATP
    C. Synthesise proteins
    D. Synthesise fatty acids, phospholipids and cholesterol
    Answer is B: Mitochondria produce ATP. The other tasks are performed by lysosomes, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum, respectively.
  32. Which of the following is NOT found in the plasma membrane?
    A. Proteins
    B. Cholesterol
    C. Endoplasmic reticulum
    D. Phospholipids
    Answer is C: Endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle and found within the cell.
  33. Which one of the following cell types is found in epithelial tissue?
    A. Mast cells
    B. Adipocytes
    C. Chondroblasts
    D. Keratinocytes
    Answer is D: These cells produce keratin, the protein of the stratum corneum.
  34. Which of the following is NOT part of the plasma membrane of a cell?
    A. Phospholipid
    B. Glycoprotein
    C. Chromatin
    D. Cholesterol
    Answer is C: Chromatin makes up chromosomes.
  35. A major role for mitochondria is to:
    A. Synthesise fatty acids, phospholipids and steroids
    B. Deliver lipids and proteins to plasma membrane for secretion
    C. Synthesise proteins from amino acids
    D. Produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
    Answer is D: Mitochondria produce ATP from glucose.
  36. Choose the tissue below that is NOT one of the four primary types of body tissue.
    A. Connective tissue
    B. Muscular tissue
    C. Nervous tissue
    D. Osseous tissue
    Answer is D: Osseous tissue (or bone) is a connective tissue.
  37. What is the purpose of mitochondria?
    A. To store the nucleolus and chromatin
    B. To produce adenosine triphosphate
    C. To support and shape the cell
    D. To produce enzymes to break down molecules
    Answer is B: Mitochondria are the site of ATP production.
  38. The plasma membrane of a cell contains molecules that have a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end. What are they called?
    A. Phospholipids
    B. Cholesterol
    C. Integral proteins
    D. Glycoproteins
    Answer is A: The phosphate end is hydrophilic (water soluble), while the lipid end is hydrophobic (insoluble in water).
  39. Adipocytes are found in which type of tissue?
    A. Muscle tissue
    B. Epithelial tissue
    C. Nervous tissue
    D. Connective tissue
    Answer is D: Adipocytes are found in fat (adipose tissue) which is a type of connective tissue.
  40. What is the role of mitochondria? To:
    A. Function in cell division
    B. Synthesise proteins
    C. Form part of the plasma membrane
    D. Synthesise fatty acids, phospholipids and steroids
    Answer is C: Mitochondria produce ATP.
  41. Which one of the following cell types is found in epithelial tissue?
    A. Mast cells
    B. Adipocytes
    C. Chondroblasts
    D. Melanocytes
    Answer is D: Melanocytes produce melanin to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and it results in tanning of the skin.
  42. What is the difference between “loose” connective tissue (CT) and “dense” connective tissue?
    A. Fibres occupy most of the volume in dense CT.
    B. Dense CT includes cartilage, while loose CT does not.
    C. Loose CT has a good blood supply, while dense CT does not.
    D. Loose CT has no fibres (and dense CT does).
    Answer is A: The preponderance of fibres is what makes the CT “dense”. Cartilage is classified as supportive CT.
  43. Facilitated diffusion refers to the process of:
    A. Movement along a concentration gradient assisted by protein carrier molecules
    B. Movement of ions and molecules along a concentration gradient
    C. Transport of molecules and ions against their concentration gradient
    D. Water movement through a semipermeable membrane
    Answer is A: Facilitated refers to the role of the protein carriers. The other choices refer to diffusion, active transport and osmosis, respectively.
  44. What do fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts and hemocytoblasts have in common?
    A. They are all types of white blood cell.
    B. They are all macrophages.
    C. They are all immature cells.
    D. They are all types of epithelial cell.
    Answer is C: The suffix “-blast” implies that these cells have not yet finished their differentiation. That is they are immature.
  45. Which is NOT true of connective tissue (CT)?
    A. The cells are closely packed.
    B. The tissue contains protein fibres and ground substance.
    C. Types include loose CT, dense CT and liquid CT.
    D. CT contains white blood cells.
    Answer is A: Being close packed is a property of epithelial tissue. In CT the cells are widely spaced, being separated by the ground substance.
  46. Active transport across the plasma membrane may be described by which statement?
    A. Active transport requires energy from ATP.
    B. Active transport is also known as endocytosis.
    C. Active transport moves molecules along their concentration gradient.
    D. Active transport is the movement of lipid-soluble molecules through the plasma membrane.
    Answer is A: This is the only correct answer. The others are not true.
  47. Which of the following cell types denote an immature cell?
    A. Macrophages
    B. Monocytes
    C. Osteoblasts
    D. Ribosomes
    Answer is C: The suffix “-blast” indicates that the cell is immature.
  48. Choose the membrane that is NOT a serous membrane.
    A. Pleura B. Peritoneum C. Pericardium D. Lamina propria
    Answer is D: The lamina propria is a “basement membrane” attached to epithelial tissue. The others are serous membranes.
  49. Which organelle is the site of ATP production?
    A. Nucleus B. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondria D. Golgi apparatus
    Answer is C: The mitochondria are where ATP is produced.
  50. Which of the following is ONE major function of epithelial cells?
    A. Movement B. Secretion C. Support of other cell types D. Transmit electrical signals
    Answer is B: Glandular tissues are one type of epithelial tissue, and their function is to produce material to secrete.
  51. What are the major types of tissue in the body?
    A. Nervous, muscle, epithelial, connective
    B. Squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional
    C. Osteocytes, chondrocytes, leucocytes, adipocytes
    D. Protein, adipose, cartilage, osseous
    Answer is A: Choice C refers to cell types; B is a list of epithelial tissue. Protein is applied to molecules.
  52. Which of the following is NOT one of the organelles within a cell?
    A. Desmosome
    B. Endoplasmic reticulum
    C. Mitochondrion
    D. Golgi apparatus
    Answer is A: Desmosomes (despite having the suffix “-some”) are not within the cell. They are structures that join adjacent p lasma membranes to each other.
  53. Which list contains the main body tissue types?
    A. Glandular, connective, osseous, nervous B. Epithelial, nervous, connective, muscle C. Endothelial, connective, muscle, cartilaginous D. Epithelial, cartilaginous, muscle, glandular
    Answer is B: The terms osseous, glandular and cartilaginous disqualify the other choices.
  54. The process of “diffusion” through a membrane may be described by which of the following?
    A. The movement of ions and molecules away from regions where they are in high concentration towards regions where they are in lower concentration.
    B. The use of energy from ATP to move ions and small molecules into regions where they are in lower concentration.
    C. The plasma membrane engulfs the substance and moves it through the membrane.
    D. The use of energy from ATP to move water molecules against their concentration gradient.
    Answer is A: The choices with ATP are nonsense. While choice C refers to endocytosis.
  55. The process of “active transport” through a membrane may be described by which of the following?
    A. The movement of ions and small molecules away from regions where they are in high concentration.
    B. The use of energy from ATP to move ions and small molecules into regions where they are in lower concentration.
    C. The plasma membrane engulfs the substance and moves it through the membrane.
    D. The use of energy from ATP to move ions and small molecules against their concentration gradient.
    Answer is D: Energy (ATP) is required to force molecules against their concentration gradient.
  56. Which of the following is the smallest living structural unit of the body?
    A. Atom B. Molecule C. Organelle D. Cell
    Answer is D: The cell is smallest structural unit that is deemed to be alive.
  57. Which of the following enables ions such as sodium to cross a plasma membrane?
    A. Phospholipid bilayer B. Peripheral proteins C. Integral proteins D. Desmosomes
    Answer is C: One function of integral protein in the PM is to form channels to allow for the passage of ions.
  58. Cell membranes can maintain a difference in electrical charge between the interior of the cell and the extracellular fluid. What is this charge difference called?
    A. Excitability B. The membrane potential C. The action potential D. The sodium-potassium pump
    Answer is B: The inside of a cell is negative, while the exterior side of the membrane is positive. This difference in charge constitutes a difference in electrical potential (or voltage), known as the resting membrane potential. An action potential is generated when the membrane is stimulated and the potential reversed.
  59. The resting membrane potential of a cell is the consequence of which of the following concentrations of ions?
    A. High K+ and Cl − outside the cell and high Na+ and large anions inside the cell
    B. High K+ and Na+ outside the cell and high Cl − and large anions inside the cell
    C. High Cl− and Na+ outside the cell and high K+ and large cations inside the cell
    D. High Ca2+ and Na+ outside the cell and high K+ and large cations inside the cell
    Answer is C: These ionic species are largely responsible for the membrane potential (cations are negative ions). While there is a higher concentration of Ca outside the cell than inside, there are fewer Ca than Cl ions.
  60. What is one function of mitochondria? To:
    A. Produce enzymes to break down molecules
    B. Produce molecules of ATP
    C. Hold adjacent cells together
    D. Allow passage of molecules through the plasma membrane
    Answer is B: Mitochondria are organelles within which ATP is made.
  61. Membrane proteins perform the following functions EXCEPT one. Which one?
    A. Form the glycocalyx
    B. Act as receptor proteins
    C. Form pores to allow the passage of small solutes
    D. Behave as enzymes
    Answer is A: The glycocalyx refers to molecules in the plasma membrane that have a carbohydrate chain attached (prefix “glyco-”).
  62. Facilitated diffusion differs from active transport because facilitated diffusion:
    A. Requires energy from ATP
    B. Moves molecules from where they are in lower concentration to higher concentration
    C. Moves molecules from where they are in higher concentration to lower concentration
    D. Involves ions and molecules that pass-through membrane channels
    Answer is C: Diffusion always refers to movement from high to low concentration (without energy expenditure). Facilitated refers to the assistance provided by a transport molecule that is designed for the purpose.
  63. Which of the following is NOT a connective tissue?
    A. Blood B. Mesothelium C. Fat D. Tendon
    Answer is B: Mesothelium is simple squamous epithelium that is found in serous membranes.
  64. The cells that are found in tendons are called:
    A. Osteocytes B. Adipocytes C. Haemocytoblasts D. Fibroblasts
    Answer is D: Simple squamous. A single layer of flat (squashed) cells so diffusion through the layer takes place easily. Lines heart, lymph and blood vessels (known as endothelium). Called mesothelium when in serous membranes.
  65. Which one of the following terms best describes the structure of the cell membrane?
    A. Fluid mosaic model B. Static mosaic model C. Quaternary structure D. Multilayered structure
    Answer is A: “Fluid” implies the structure can move and change (not like a brick wall); mosaic refers to the presence of proteins scattered among the glycolipids.
  66. Which one of the following terms best describes a phospholipid. It consists of a:
    A. Polar head and polar tail B. Non-polar head and a polar tail C. Polar head and non-polar tail D. Non-polar head and a non-polar tail
    Answer is C: polar = hydrophilic head of phosphate, which can dissolve in the aqueous extracellular solution because water molecules are polar; non-polar = hydrophobic tails of lipid, which being non-polar, cannot dissolve in aqueous solutions.
  67. One of the functions of integral proteins in cell membranes is to:
    A. Maintain the rigid structure of the cell
    B. Support mechanically the phospholipids
    C. Interact with the cytoplasm
    D. Form channels for transport functions
    Answer is D: Some proteins form channels which allow molecules and ions to enter the cell.
  68. Which one of the following best describes what a cell membrane consists of?
    A. Lipids, proteins, ribosomes
    B. Lipids, cholesterol, proteins
    C. Cholesterol, proteins, cytoplasm
    D. Lipids, proteins, cytoplasm
    Answer is B: These are the three major constituents. Ribosomes and cytoplasm are found inside the cell.
  69. Which one of the following organelles is considered as the “energy-producing” centre of the cell?
    A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
    B. Golgi apparatus
    C. Mitochondria
    D. Ribosomes
    Answer is C: Mitochondria are where ATP molecules are produced from glucose.
  70. What is the major function of lysosomes? They:
    A. Package proteins
    B. Detoxify toxic substances
    C. Catalyse lipid metabolism
    D. Digest unwanted particles within the cell
    Answer is D: The prefix “lys-” refers to the ability to alter molecules by dividing them into smaller pieces.
  71. What is the purpose of the “sodium-potassium pump”?
    A. To perform endocytosis
    B. To move sodium and potassium by facilitated diffusion
    C. To perform bulk transport through the plasma membrane
    D. To produce a concentration gradient for sodium ions
    Answer is D: A concentration gradient is set up by the use of energy to move Na ions to where they are in greater concentration. This requirement for energy means choice B is wrong.
  72. Which of the following is NOT a type of cell?
    A. Ribosome B. Hemocytoblast C. Neutrophil D. Phagocyte
    Answer is A: A ribosome is a cell organelle, not a cell type.
  73. What is the name of the mechanism that ensures that there is a higher concentration of sodium ions in the extracellular fluid than in the intracellular fluid?
    A. Facilitated diffusion B. The sodium-potassium pump C. Secondary active transport D. Osmosis
    Answer is B: The “pump” exchanges Na for K and uses energy from ATP to function.
  74. What is the name given to the type of transport where glucose or an amino acid bind to a receptor protein on the plasma membrane, which then moves the molecule into the cell without the expenditure of energy?
    A. Facilitated diffusion
    B. Bulk transport
    C. Secondary active transport
    D. Active transport
    Answer is A: The membrane protein facilitates the entry into the cell. No energy is expended, so it is not active transport.
  75. What is the name given to the movement of glucose or amino acids from the gut into the cells lining the gut, when they bind to a transport protein that has also bound a sodium ion? The sodium ion is entering the cell along its concentration gradient.
    A. Facilitated diffusion
    B. The sodium-potassium pump
    C. Active transport
    D. Secondary active transport
    Answer is D: The sodium ion was transported out of the cell with the use of energy in order to set up the sodium concentration gradient. This gradient then allows other molecules to enter the cell along with sodium’s re-entry. This is active (because energy used), but secondary as it occurs as a result of the previous active transport event.
  76. Mitochondria produce which of the following?
    A. ATP
    B. DNA
    C. RNA
    D. Proteins
    Answer is A: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  77. Why does the plasma membrane of a cell present a barrier to the movement of electrolytes through it?
    A. There are no channels in the membrane for the passage of electrolytes.
    B. Electrolytes are not soluble in the lipid of the membrane.
    C. Electrolytes are too large to pass through membrane channels.
    D. Membrane proteins electrically repel charged particles.
    Answer is B: Electrolytes, being charged particles, are not able to dissolve their way through the lipid plasma membrane (which is non-polar). Hence it is a barrier to them.
  78. Which of the following statements about “leak channels” in the plasma membrane is correct?
    A. Proteins that form these channels bind to solutes to allow them to pass into the cell.
    B. They are passageways formed by proteins to allow water and ions to move passively through the membrane.
    C. They allow small ions and molecules to move between adjacent cells.
    D. They are formed by glycoprotein and proteoglycans to allow hormones to enter cells.
    Answer is B: This is the definition of leak channels. They may be “gated” which means shut until stimulated to open. Choice A refers to facilitated diffusion.
  79. What are the primary types of body tissue?
    A. Connective tissue, blood, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, epithelial tissue
    B. Muscle tissue, osseous tissue, epithelial tissue, nervous tissue, blood, connective tissue
    C. Nervous tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue
    D. Epithelial tissue, connective tissue, adipose tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue
    Answer is C: These are the four primary types. Blood is not a “type” of tissue.
  80. Epithelial and connective tissues differ from each other in which of the following characteristics?
    A. Epithelial tissue contains fibres, but connective tissue does not.
    B. Connective tissue is avascular, but epithelial tissue is well-vascularised
    C. Cells in epithelial tissue are closely packed, whereas in connective tissue they are not.
    D. Connective tissue includes tissue that makes up glands, but epithelial tissue does not occur in glands.
    Answer is C: The other choices are not correct.
  81. Which of the following is a component of the plasma membrane of a cell?
    A. Plasma
    B. Glycolipid
    C. Plasma proteins
    D. Cholesterol
    Answer is D: Despite the term “plasma”, A and C are wrong. And it is phospholipids, not glycolipids, that occur in the membrane.
  82. What term is used to describe the movement of dissolved particles along (or down) their concentration gradient?
    A. Endocytosis
    B. Active transport
    C. Osmosis
    D. Diffusion
    Answer is D: Following the concentration gradient is a passive process. Choice C applies only to water molecules.
  83. Which of the following molecules cannot pass through the plasma membrane?
    A. Water molecules
    B. Non-polar molecules
    C. Amino acid-based hormones
    D. Fat-soluble molecules
    Answer is C: These hormones are not lipid soluble and too large to pass through channels.
  84. Which of the following is a connective tissue?
    A. Pancreas
    B. Spinal cord
    C. Muscle
    D. Blood
    Answer is D: Blood contains cells separated by a liquid matrix. Choices A and B are epithelial and nervous tissues.
  85. Which of the following is an epithelial tissue?
    A. Adipose tissue
    B. The adrenal gland
    C. The heart
    D. Blood
    Answer is B: The adrenal gland is glandular epithelial tissue.
  86. What is the major component of the plasma membrane of a cell?
    A. Phospholipid
    B. Glycolipid
    C. Integral protein
    D. Cholesterol
    Answer is A: Cholesterol and proteins are also present in the plasma membrane but as more minor components.
  87. Which one of the following is NOT a function of membrane proteins?
    A. They form a structure called a glycocalyx.
    B. They attach cells to each other.
    C. They form passageways to allow solutes to pass through the membrane.
    D. They from receptors which can bind messenger molecules.
    Answer is A: The glycocalyx is thought of as being membrane carbohydrates.
  88. Facilitated diffusion through a membrane involves which of the following scenarios?
    A. The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane along its concentration gradient
    B. The movement of a molecule against its concentration gradient with the expenditure of energy
    C. The plasma membrane surrounding (engulfing) the molecule and the molecule moving into the cell
    D. A molecule binding to a receptor which moves the molecule through the membrane without the expenditure of energy
    Answer is D: Facilitation is by binding to a membrane protein.
  89. The diffusion of water through a membrane is referred to as:
    A. Secondary active transport
    B. Bulk transport
    C. Osmosis
    D. Endocytosis
    Answer is C: Osmosis is a word that is reserved for the movement of water through a membrane.
  90. What is the tissue that covers the body surface and lines internal tubes called?
    A. Epithelial tissue
    B. Connective tissue
    C. Glandular epithelium
    D. Muscle tissue
    Answer is A: Epithelial tissue has one surface “open” to the exterior or to the contents of the tube.
  91. Which of the following is true for connective tissue?
    A. It consists of cells, a basement membrane and intercellular matrix.
    B. Its cells are closely packed and held together by protein fibres.
    C. It has a high rate of cell division and no blood supply.
    D. It is made of cells, protein fibres and ground substance.
    Answer is D: Connective tissue includes fibres and cells which are not closely packed.
  92. The cell membrane’s resting potential (about −70 mV inside with respect to the outside) is due mainly to which of the following mechanisms?
    A. The sodium-potassium pump
    B. The diffusion of cations and anions through the membrane along their concentration gradients
    C. The diffusion of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane
    D. The presence inside the cell of anions too large to passively cross the cell membrane
    Answer is A: The ATPase pump shifts 3 Na+ out of the cell and 2 K+ into the cell. This disparity in positive charge is the major influence on the resting potential.
  93. Which of the following cells are uninucleate (have a single nucleus)?
    A. Red blood cells
    B. Epithelial cells
    C. Skeletal muscle cells
    D. Osteoclasts
    Answer is B: Red blood cells have no nucleus, while osteoclasts and skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate.
  94. What is the function of the cell plasma membrane?
    A. It maintains an intracellular environment that is hypotonic compared to the extracellular fluid.
    B. It protects the cell from dehydration by limiting water flow from the cell.
    C. It regulates the passage of molecules and ions into an out of the cell.
    D. It provides the supportive medium for membrane proteins.
    Answer is C: The plasma membrane is made of lipid and separates the aqueous intracellular fluid from the aqueous extracellular fluid. Substances cannot enter or leave the cell unless they are lipid soluble or by endo-/exocytosis or have a membrane protein pore or transport mechanism that can move them through the membrane
  95. Which of the following cells would be found in connective tissue?
    A. Mucous cells
    B. Goblet cells
    C. Chondrocytes
    D. Neurons
    Answer is C: Chondro- refers to cartilage, so chondrocytes are cells found in cartilage. Cartilage is a connective tissue. The other choices are found in epithelial tissue, or nervous tissue.
  96. Which of the following cells would be found in nervous tissue?
    A. Dendrocytes
    B. Microglia
    C. Microphages
    D. Erythrocytes
    Answer is B: Microglia is a term that refers to the support cells of the nervous system. Dendrocytes are found in the epidermis and there are no erythrocytes in the CNS.
  97. Which of the four types of tissue do all organs contain?
    A. Connective, epithelial and nervous tissues.
    B. Muscle, epithelial and nervous tissues.
    C. Organs contain all four types of tissues.
    D. Muscle, connective and epithelial tissues.
    Answer is C: All organs have capillaries and a blood supply. Blood is a connective tissue, and capillaries are made of epithelial tissue; the arterial end of capillaries has a precapillary sphincter which is made of smooth muscle cells. All organs are innervated so they contain nervous tissue.
  98. What is “deep fascia”?
    A. Connective tissue that surrounds muscle
    B. Epithelial tissue that lies under the skin
    C. Connective tissue of the hypodermis
    D. Epithelial tissue of the abdominal serous membranes
    Answer is A: Deep fascia is a fibrous connective tissue that surrounds and penetrates into the muscles, as well as surrounding bones, nerves and blood vessels. Muscle epimysium is an example of deep fascia. Choice C is referring to superficial fascia.
  99. Which of the following cells are found in cartilage?
    A. Osteocytes
    B. Chondrocytes
    C. Lymphocytes
    D. Monocytes
    Answer is B: “Chondros” means cartilage in Greek (!).
  100. Which of the following cells are found in bone?
    A. Dendrocytes
    B. Erythrocytes
    C. Osteocytes
    D. Pneumocytes
    Answer is C: “Osteo” is ancient (?) Greek for bone.
  101. Which of the following cells are found in the lungs?
    A. Pneumocytes
    B. Leucocytes
    C. Keratinocytes
    D. Sertoli cells
    Answer is A: “Pneumo” comes from the Greek for lung or air. The other cells are found in the blood, epidermis and testicles, respectively.
  102. Which of the following cells are found in the liver?
    A. Myocytes
    B. Pericytes
    C. Podocytes
    D. Hepatocytes
    Answer is D: “Hepato” comes from the Greek language and refers to liver.
  103. What are generally referred to as organelles?
    A. Small exocrine organs such as salivary glands, sudiferous glands, etc.
    B. Small endocrine glands such as the pituitary, adrenal glands, etc.
    C. Structures of the general senses such as lamellated corpuscles, muscle spindles, etc.
    D. Structures within a cell such as ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, etc.
    Answer is D: Organelles are not glands. They are structures within a cell.
  104. To what does the term “integral protein” refer?
    A. To proteins that lie within the plasma membrane of a cell
    B. To a protein that must be included in the diet as they cannot be manufactured by the body
    C. To a protein found within the central nervous system
    D. To plasma proteins that exist in the blood but not in the interstitial fluid
    Answer is A: “Integral” refers to being within the cell membrane. The other choices are not even close to being correct.
  105. What is the term used to describe the bulk movement of a large number of molecules out of a cell?
    A. Lymphocytosis
    B. Exocytosis
    C. Thrombocytosis
    D. Endocytosis
    Answer is B: “Exo-” refers to movement from inside to the outside (-cytosis is a suffix that means in reference to cells).
  106. In which organelle of the cell do most aerobic respiration reactions happen?
    A. In the nucleus
    B. In the mitochondria
    C. In the ribosomes
    D. In the lysosomes
    Answer is B: Mitochondria are the site of aerobic respiration. That is, the production of ATP from pyruvic acid (via glucose) and oxygen.
  107. Which of the following is NOT an example of connective tissue?
    A. Blood
    B. Bone
    C. Smooth muscle
    D. Superficial fascia
    Answer is C: There are four basics types of tissue. Connective tissue and muscle are two of them, so C is not a connective tissue. The other three choices are.
  108. Which of the following is NOT classed as a lipid?
    A. Fatty acids
    B. Oils
    C. Steroids
    D. Keratin
    Answer is D: Examples of lipids are waxes, fats, oils, steroids, cholesterol and phospholipids. Keratin is a protein (the “-in” ending to keratin denotes that).
  109. A particular tissue contains cells that have a process that extends for 20 or 30 cm from the cell body. What type of tissue is it likely to be?
    A. Neural tissue
    B. Muscle tissue
    C. Epithelial tissue
    D. Connective tissue
    Answer is D: The long process is called an axon and belongs to a neurone. So the tissue is neural tissue.
  110. The cells of a tissue are long and cylindrical and are contain a great number of nuclei. In what type of tissue will such a cell be found?
    A. Neural tissue
    B. Muscle tissue
    C. Epithelial tissue
    D. Connective tissue
    Answer is B: The cell is a skeletal muscle fibre, so the tissue is muscle tissue.
  111. What types of cells are found in a single layer lining the inner surface of the tubes in the body and are surrounded by a noncellular membrane?
    A. Neural tissue
    B. Muscle tissue
    C. Epithelial tissue
    D. Connective tissue
    Answer is C: The description indicates epithelial cells and their basement membrane.
  112. A particular tissue contains cells that are widely separated from each other and surrounded by a tissue component that is not cellular. What type of tissue conforms with this description?
    A. Neural tissue
    B. Muscle tissue
    C. Epithelial tissue
    D. Connective tissue
    Answer is D: Connective tissue consists of a noncellular matrix in which are distributed cells that are not adjacent to each other.

Cell Cycle

  1. The term “chromatin” would be used in reference to which of the following?
    A. Genetic substance
    B. Cellular energy
    C. Membrane support
    D. Nuclear membrane
    Answer is A: Chromatin is DNA and the associated proteins so it pertains to genetic material.
  2. In protein synthesis, where dose translation occur? In the:
    A. Cytoplasm between ribosomes, tRNA and mRNA
    B. Nucleus between ribosomes, tRNA and mRNA
    C. Nucleus between DNA and mRNA
    D. Cytoplasm between DNA and mRNA
    Answer is A: Translation occurs in the cytoplasm (transcription occurs in the nucleus). DNA does not exist in the cytoplasm.
  3. If the DNA strand sequence of bases is CTT AGA CTA ATA, what would the tRNA read?
    Answer is C: Guanine (G) must be matched to cytosine (C) and vice versa. Adenine (A) must match with thymine (T). In RNA, uracil (U) replaces thymine; hence U must be matched to A.
  4. Which one of the following statements best describes DNA?
    A. Single-stranded, deoxyribonucleic acid
    B. Single-stranded, ribonucleic acid
    C. Double-stranded, deoxyribonucleic acid
    D. Double-stranded, ribonucleic acid
    Answer is C: DNA is double-stranded, while the “D” refers to “deoxy-”.
  5. In which phase of mitosis would chromosomes line up at the centre of the spindle?
    A. Anaphase
    B. Interphase
    C. Prophase
    D. Metaphase
    Answer is D: Remember the metaphase plate occupies the middle of the cell.
  6. In a cell cycle, which phase takes the longest time to complete?
    A. Anaphase
    B. Interphase
    C. Prophase
    D. Telophase
    Answer is B: Interphase is the time when the cell is performing its normal function and not dividing.
  7. What is the purpose of meiosis? To produce:
    A. DNA
    B. Somatic cells
    C. Diploid cells
    D. Haploid cells
    Answer is D: Meiosis produces sperm or egg so these must have half the complement of chromosomes (be haploid) to allow for the full complement to be present (and not more!) when sperm combines with egg.
  8. What results from the events that occur during metaphase of mitosis?
    A. The nuclear membranes form around two nuclei.
    B. The chromosomes are aligned on a plane in the centre of the cell.
    C. The chromosomes become visible and attach to the spindle fibres.
    D. The chromatids from each chromosome separate and move to opposite sides of the cell.

Answer is B: During metaphase, chromosomes are arranged on a plane (the metaphase plate) in the middle of the cell, attached to microtubules of the spindle.

  1. What is the name of the process of division of a somatic cell’s nucleus into two daughter nuclei? A. Prophase
    B. Cytokinesis
    C. Mitosis
    D. Meiosis
    Answer is C: Mitosis involves somatic cells. Meiosis refers to the production of the sex cells.
  2. In a strand of DNA, what is the combination of deoxyribose and phosphate and base known as?
    A. A ribosome
    B. A chromatid
    C. A codon
    D. A nucleotide
    Answer is D: Three nucleotides form a codon, and many codons form a chromatid.
  3. What happens during anaphase of mitosis?
    A. Spindle fibres pull each chromatid to opposite sides of the cell.
    B. The sense and nonsense strands “unzip” along their hydrogen bonds.
    C. RNA polymerase forms a complementary strand by reading the sense strand.
    D. The cell cytoplasm divides into two cells.
    Answer is A: Separation of the two chromatids of a chromosome occurs at anaphase. Choice D is cytokinesis and begins in late anaphase and continues into telophase.
  4. The process by which information is read from DNA, encoded and transported outside the nucleus is known as:
    A. Translation
    B. Transcription
    C. Encoding
    D. Catalysis
    Answer is B: To “transcribe” is to record the information from a source and to record it at another place (onto mRNA). Then messenger RNA moves out of the nucleus.
  5. How many nucleotides are required to code for a single amino acid?
    A. Twenty
    B. Five
    C. Three
    D. One
    Answer is C: A sequence of three nucleotides constitutes a codon. Each codon is specific for one of the 20 amino acids.
  6. The combination of a sugar, a base and at least one phosphate group is given the general term of:
    A. Nucleoside
    B. Amino acid
    C. Polypeptide
    D. Nucleotide
    Answer is D: A nucleoside is a nucleotide without a phosphate group.
  7. The nucleus of the cell contains the master nucleic acid:
    A. DNA
    B. RNA
    C. mRNA
    D. tRNA
    Answer is A: DNA exists in the nucleus. The other three are ribonucleic acids.
  8. Which of the following is the correct combination of the components for the nucleic acid DNA? A. Phosphate, ribose, uracil
    B. Phosphate, deoxyribose, proline
    C. Phosphate, ribose, thymine
    D. Phosphate, deoxyribose, adenine
    Answer is D: DNA has the sugar deoxyribose; proline is an amino acid that does not occur in DNA.
  9. In the ribosome of a cell, the mRNA is read to produce the particular amino acid sequence for the formation of a protein. What is this process called?
    A. Translation
    B. Transcription
    C. Transportation
    D. Transmutation
    Answer is A: Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell with a ribosome. It is when the information in mRNA is read to produce the sequence of amino acids needed to form a protein.
  10. Which of the base pairings in DNA would be correct?
    A. A – T pair
    B. A – G pair
    C. C – T pair
    D. C – A pair
    Answer is A: A pairs with T, while C pairs with G.
  11. The combination of a sugar and a base is given the general term of:
    A. Nucleoside
    B. Amino acid
    C. Polypeptide
    D. Nucleotide
    Answer is A: A nucleotide is formed from a nucleoside and a phosphate group.
  12. The nucleic acid which carries the information for protein synthesis from the cell nucleus to the ribosomes is:
    A. DNA
    B. RNA
    C. mRNA
    D. tRNA
    Answer is C: “Messenger” RNA carries the data (the message) from the chromosomes in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
  13. Which of the following is the correct combination of the components for the nucleic acid RNA?
    A. Phosphate, ribose, uracil
    B. Phosphate, deoxyribose, proline
    C. Phosphate, ribose, thymine
    D. Phosphate, deoxyribose, adenine
    Answer is A: RNA must have the sugar ribose. Thymine exists in DNA but not RNA, where it is replaced with uracil.
  14. In the nucleus of the cell, DNA is used as a template to form mRNA. What is the process called?
    A. Translation
    B. Transcription
    C. Transportation
    D. Transmutation
    Answer is B: Transcription refers to the conversion of information on DNA into the form of mRNA.
  15. Which statement is true of the 23 chromosomes within a sperm?
    A. 23 chromosomes is the diploid number.
    B. 11 chromosomes came from the father, 11 chromosomes came from the mother, while one of either the Y or the X came from the father or mother, respectively.
    C. Some of the 23 came from the father, and the rest came from the mother.
    D. 11 chromosomes and the Y came from the father, while 11 chromosomes came from the mother.
    Answer is C: A sperm has 23 chromosomes which is the haploid number. The male that produced the sperm has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in their somatic cells – 23 each from the man’s father and mother. When sperm are produced, the 46 chromosomes assemble and pair up. The man’s X and Y chromosomes pair up. Each pair of chromosomes then separates so that only one of each pair moves into a new sperm. Which one of the pair ends up in which sperm is a random process. It is possible that an individual sperm has any number of chromosomes between 0 and 23 that originated from the father.

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