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Download the Best B.Pharm 6th Semester Notes For B.Pharmacy Students For JNTU, MAKAUT, AKTU, RGUHS, RGPV, Dr M.G.R. Medical University, GPAT and many other University and competitive exams. Our notes are created by experienced lecturers of different renowned universities in India that will help the students with quick revision at exam time. Our study notes will help students to revise the whole syllabus in minutes. These Notes clearly give you a short overview of the complete units of the B.Pharm subjects.

Medicinal Chemistry III PDF Notes Download

Unit II
- Antibiotics: Macrolide, Miscellaneous
- Prodrugs
- Antimalarials: Quinolines, Biguanides and dihydro triazines, Miscellaneous

Unit III
- Anti-tubercular Agents: Synthetic anti-tubercular agents, Antitubercular antibiotics
- Urinary tract anti-infective agents: Quinolones, Miscellaneous
- Antiviral agents

Unit IV
- Antifungal agents: Antifungal antibiotics, Synthetic Antifungal agents,
- Anti-protozoal Agents
- Anthelmintics
- Sulphonamides and Sulfones
- Folate reductase inhibitors
- Sulfones
Pharmacology III Notes PDF Download

Unit I
- Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Respiratory system
- Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract

Unit II
- Chemotherapy: a. General principles of chemotherapy. b. Sulfonamides and cotrimoxazole. c. Antibiotics- Penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, macrolides, quinolones and fluoroquinolones, tetracycline and aminoglycosides

Unit III
- Chemotherapy: a. Antitubercular agents b. Antileprotic agents c. Antifungal agents d. Antiviral drugs e.Anthelmintics f. Antimalarial drugs g. Antiamoebic agen

Unit IV
- Chemotherapy: l. Urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. m. Chemotherapy of malignancy.
- Immunopharmacology: a. Immunostimulants b. Immunosuppressant Protein drugs, monoclonal antibodies, target drugs to antigen, biosimilars
Herbal Drug Technology PDF Notes Download
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Notes PDF Download
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Notes PDF Download

Unit I
- a) Brief introduction to Biotechnology with reference to Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- b) Enzyme Biotechnology- Methods of enzyme immobilization and applications.
- c) Biosensors- Working and applications of biosensors in Pharmaceutical Industries.
- d) Brief introduction to Protein Engineering.
- e) Use of microbes in industry. Production of Enzymes- General consideration – Amylase, Catalase, Peroxidase, Lipase, Protease, Penicillinase.
- f) Basic principles of genetic engineering.

Unit II
- a) Study of cloning vectors, restriction endonucleases and DNA ligase.
- b) Recombinant DNA technology. Application of genetic engineering in medicine.
- c) Application of r DNA technology and genetic engineering in the production of: i) Interferon ii) Vaccines- hepatitis- B iii) Hormones-Insulin.
- d) Brief introduction to PCR

Unit III
- Types of immunity- humoral immunity, cellular immunity
- a) Structure of Immunoglobulins
- b) Structure and Function of MHC
- c) Hypersensitivity reactions, Immune stimulation and Immune suppressions.
- d) General method of the preparation of bacterial vaccines, toxoids, viral vaccine, antitoxins, serum-immune blood derivatives and other products relative to immunity.
- e) Storage conditions and stability of official vaccines
- f) Hybridoma technology- Production, Purification and Applications
- g) Blood products and Plasma Substituties.

Unit IV
- a) Immuno blotting techniques- ELISA, Western blotting, Southern blotting.
- b) Genetic organization of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
- c) Microbial genetics including transformation, transduction, conjugation, plasmids and
- transposons.
- d) Introduction to Microbial biotransformation and applications.
- e) Mutation: Types of mutation/mutants.

Unit V
- a) Fermentation methods and general requirements, study of media, equipment, sterilization methods, aeration process, stirring.
- b) Large-scale production fermenter design and its various controls.
- c) Study of the production of – penicillins, citric acid, Vitamin B12, Glutamic acid, Griseofulvin,
- d) Blood Products: Collection, Processing and Storage of whole human blood, dried human plasma, plasma Substitutes
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Notes PDF Download
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