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Download the Best B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes For B.Pharm 3rd Semester and 3rd Year Students For JNTU, MAKAUT, AKTU, RGUHS, RGPV, Dr M.G.R. Medical University, GPAT and many other University and competitive exams. Our notes are created by experienced lecturers of different renowned universities in India that will help the students with quick revision at exam time. Our B.Pharm 5th Semester study notes help B. Pharmacy students to revise the whole syllabus in minutes. B.Pharm Notes clearly give you a short overview of the complete units of the B.Pharm Subjects subjects.
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Medicinal Chemistry II B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes Download
The best Medicinal Chemistry II Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available in this section. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit I
- Antihistaminic agents: H1–antagonists, H2-antagonists, Gastric Proton pump inhibitors
- Anti-neoplastic agents: Alkylating agents, Antimetabolites, Antibiotics, Plant products, Miscellaneous

Unit II
- Anti-anginal
- Vasodilators
- Calcium channel blockers
- Diuretics
- Anti-hypertensive Agents

Unit III
- Anti-arrhythmic Drugs
- Anti-hyperlipidemic agents
- Coagulant & Anticoagulants
- Drugs used in Congestive Heart Failure

Unit IV
- Drugs acting on Endocrine system
- Sex hormones
- Drugs for erectile dysfunction
- Oral contraceptives
- Corticosteroids
- Thyroid and antithyroid drugs

Unit V
- Antidiabetic agents
- Local Anesthetics
- Benzoic Acid derivatives
- Amino Benzoic acid derivatives
- Lidocaine/Anilide derivatives
- Miscellaneous
Pharmacology II B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes Download
Here in this section the best Pharmacology II Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit II
- Pharmacology of drugs acting on the cardiovascular system
- Pharmacology of drugs acting on the urinary system
Industrial Pharmacy I B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes Download
Here in this section the best Industrial Pharmacy I Notes for Semester Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes Download
Here in this section the best Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry II Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit II
- Alkaloids, Phenylpropanoids and Flavonoids, Steroids, Cardiac Glycosides & Triterpenoids, Volatile oils, Tannins, Resins, Glycosides, Iridoids, Other terpenoids & Naphthaquinones

Unit IV
- Industrial production, estimation and utilization of the following phytoconstituents: Forskolin, Sennoside, Artemisinin, Diosgenin, Digoxin, Atropine, Podophyllotoxin, Caffeine, Taxol, Vincristine and Vinblastine
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence B.Pharm 5th Semester Notes Download
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit I
- Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its rules 1945
- Objectives, Definitions, Legal definitions of schedules to the Act and Rules
- Import of drugs – Classes of drugs and cosmetics prohibited from import, Import under license or permit. Offences and penalties.
- Manufacture of drugs – Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs,
- Conditions for grant of license and conditions of license for manufacture of drugs, Manufacture of drugs for test, examination and analysis, manufacture of new drug, loan license and repacking license.

Unit II
- Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its rules 1945.
- Detailed study of Schedule G, H, M, N, P, T, U, V, X, Y, Part XII B, Sch F & DMR (OA)
- Sale of Drugs – Wholesale, Retail sale and Restricted license. Offences and penalties
- Labelling & Packing of drugs- General labelling requirements and specimen labels for drugs and cosmetics, List of permitted colours. Offences and penalties.
- Administration of the Act and Rules – Drugs Technical Advisory Board, Central Drugs
- Laboratory, Drugs Consultative Committee, Government drug analysts, Licensing authorities, controlling authorities, Drugs Inspectors

Unit III
- Pharmacy Act –1948
- Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act –1955
- Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act-1985 and Rules

Unit IV
- Study of Salient Features of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and its rules
- Prevention of Cruelty to animals Act-1960
- National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

Unit V
- Pharmaceutical Legislations
- Code of Pharmaceutical ethics
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
- Right to Information Act
- Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR
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