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B.Pharm is a four-year professional undergraduate degree course. It opens doors of many job opportunities to the undergraduate. So it is very important to choose the best jobs after B.Pharm to the student for a better future. In this post we will discuss about the 8 best jobs for a B.Pharmacy graduate. But after learning about the Jobs lets first learn about what is B.Pharmacy. Download our app for all latest information about Pharmacy Click Here to Download

What is B.Pharm?
The full form of B.Pharm is Bachelors in Pharmacy. This is a four-year professional undergraduate degree course for the students who passed the 12th examination in Science Stream. Different states have different examinations for the admission in B.pharm course in different universities and the colleges of the state UPSEE in Uttarpradesh and WBJEE in West Bengal. Many colleges also take direct admission to the course. Every year of B.pharm has been divided into two different semesters. That’s mean the B.Pharm course has 8 semesters.
Eligibility Criteria
Students have to maintain the following criteria to take admission in B.pharm course
- Pass with 50% marks in 10+2
- Must passed 10+2 with with Physics, Chemistry and Maths or Biology or Biotechnology
Also See This: B.Pharm 1st Year Books Download
Core Subjects of B.Pharm
The main subjects of B.pharm in which Pharmacy education is based has been listed below:
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Pathophysiology
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
List of 8 Best Jobs after B.pharm Course

B.pharm opens big opportunities for jobs after completing the course in different sectors. A B.pharm graduate can get jobs in both the Private and Government sectors. Graduates can also choose a business to do in this Pharmacy sector. But choose the best jobs which fits you the most or you may suffer to get success if you don’t choose the best job that suit you perfects.
Drug Inspector
A Drug Inspector has the power to drop the permit of such special units which are found having abnormalities as far as the consistency of gauges identified with security, quality and sterile premises. The assortment of tests for bacterial and other compound tests, holding onto the phoney/copy creation things, addictive things and annihilating them are likewise the elements of Drug Inspector. Getting ready reports on tests, activities took, answering to senior authorities, execution of related laws and guidelines inside in its region of working with the assistance of neighbourhood organization are different elements of the Drug Inspector.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidate must complete his/her graduation in pharmacy and have experience in production.
Rs. 44,900 – 1,42,400
Clinical Research Associate
Clinical Research Associate monitor and regulates the different phases of clinical trials of the drugs. You can enter in this sector Jobs after B.pharm and also after completing our post-graduation in Pharmacy. Key responsibilities of a Clinical Research Associates are
- writing drug trial methodologies
- identifying and briefing appropriate trial investigators
- setting up and disbanding trial study centers
- designing trial materials and supplying study centers with sufficient quantities
- providing clinicians with instructions on how to conduct the trials
- collecting and authenticating data collection forms
- monitoring progress throughout the duration of the trial
- writing reports
18k-25k INR
Quality Control Associate
Responsibilities of a Quality Control Associate are
- Manage processes across departments or laboratories for consistency and fit to standards.
- Analyze data and create recommendations and guidelines to improve processes.
- Document procedures and metrics to track performance and quality control.
Avg. 286,866INR/year
R&D Scientist
R&D Scientist means Research and Development Scientist. R&D Scientist works in different fields from Physics to Engineering to Pharmaceuticals. R&D Scientist works day and night perform different studies, tests to improve the drugs. These are also good jobs after b.pharm to choose.
According to Glassdoor, the average R&D scientist employed by Thermo Fisher Scientific makes $87,623 per year. An R&D scientist at PepsiCo makes $67,369. At Greek yogurt company Chobani, the average salary is $65,000, it’s $96,520 at Proctor and Gamble, and $56,718 at Pharmaforce International
Formulation Development (F&D) Associate
Identifying new and more effective formulations is as important as finding a new drug molecule. This is how F&D Associates help in Pharma Sectors.
2,50,000 – 4,75,000 PA
Scientific Writer
Scientific Writers works on the field of rapidly growing drugs, advantages of them in Pharmacy field.
Sales & Marketing
Maximum numbers of Pharmacy Graduate choose this job. A good number of jobs available in this sector. This sector take not only B.Pharm graduate but also B.Sc graduates also. The salary in this sector is much decent it depends on the performance of the candidate.
You will get chances to visit different new places as in this job you have to travel alot. Many B.pharm graduate also complete MBA before joining in this Job sector.
You can do this type of Jobs after B.Pharm. You can be a Pharmacist in a government hospital or can set up your own medical shop. Your job will be prepare and dispense medications by seeing the Prescription.
Responsibilities of a Pharmacist are
- Dispensing the medication as per the prescription
- Building customer relationship for effective service towards total patient care.
- Patient Counseling and Pharmacy Maintenance
- Dosage instructions and give precautions to the Patients
- Regular checking of short-expiry medicines
B.pharm creates a big world of jobs opportunities after doing the undergraduates. There may be many jobs but you have to choose the best job which suits perfectly for you. If you like the post 8 Best Jobs after B.Pharm kindly comment below.
Nice information bro