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Hello Everyone In this post we are going to share the PCI Approved List of Pharmacy Books for BPharmacy and D.Pharmacy students. PCI means Pharmacy Council of India regulates the Pharmacy education (D.Pharm, B.Pharm, Mpharm, Pharm D) in India. So it is important for us to follow the book list that is given by the Pharmacy Council of India. This post is going to be very much helpful for all of you. In this post, we are going to share the book list for D pharmacy 1st and 2nd Year and BPharmacy 1st Semester, 2nd Semester,3rd Semester, 4th Semester,5th Semester, 6th Semester, 7th Semester and 8th Semester. If you need any of these books you can join our telegram channel and send a request for the books. We will provide them in the Telegram Channel.

List of Pharmacy Books for D.Pharmacy Students
D.Pharm or D.Pharmacy is a two-year Diploma course in the field of Pharmacy. PCI recently published a revised syllabus and book list for the D.Pharm course. A list of Books is available below in a subject-wise manner.
Pharmaceutics Book List
Pharmaceutics is of the important subjects in Pharmacy education. Pharmaceutics give us knowledge about the art and science of formulating and dispensing different dosage forms.
List of PCI Approved Pharmaceutics Books Given Below:
- History of Pharmacy in India by Dr. Harikishan Singh
- Indian Pharmacopoeia, Govt. of India Publication
- A Text book of Pharmaceuticals Formulation by B.M. Mithal, Vallabh Prakashan
- Bentleys’ Text book of Pharmaceutics, 8th Edition, editor E.A. Rawlins, published by Elsevier Int.
- The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy. Leon Lachman, Herbert Lieberman and Joseph Kanig, Editors, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Latest edition Verghese Publishing House
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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Book List
Pharmaceutical Chemistry gives us knowledge about the chemistry of drugs and pharmaceuticals. This subject gives us knowledge about the different chemical structures, storage conditions of different drug molecules, medicinal uses of different organic and inorganic chemicals and quality control aspects of pharmaceuticals.
List of PCI Approved Pharmaceutical Chemistry Books Given Below:
- Medicinal & Pharmaceutical chemistry by Harikishan Singh and VK Kapoor
- Wilson and Gisvold’s Text book of Organic Medicinal and pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Practical Organic Chemistry by Mann and Saunders
- Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Volume- I & II by Beckett and J. B. Stanlake
- Vogel’s text book of Practical Organic Chemistry
Pharmacognosy Book List
Pharmacognosy gives us knowledge about the medicinal uses of drugs from natural resources. We also learn about the evaluation of crude drugs, alternative systems of medicine nutraceuticals and herbal cosmetics.
- Text book of Pharmacognosy by C. K. Kokate, S. B. Gokhale, A.P. Purohith, Nirali Prakashan
- Text book of Pharmacognosy by C.S. Shah and J. S. Quadry, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd
- Text Book of Pharmacognosy by T. E. Wallis. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
- Study of crude drugs by M. A. Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
- Powder crude drugs by M. A. Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
- Anatomy of crude drugs by M. A. Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
Human Anatomy and Physiology Book List
Human Anatomy and Physiology helps us to learn basic knowledge about the structure and function of the human body.
- Human Physiology by C. C. Chatterjee
- Human Anatomy and Physiology by S. Chaudhary and A. Chaudhary
- Derasari and Gandhi’s elements of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education
- S.R. Kale and R.R. Kale, Textbook of Practical Anatomy and Physiology
- Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness
- Human Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora Gerard J
- Fundamentals of medical Physiology by K.Sambulingam and Prana Sambulingam
- Ranade V.G. Text book of Practical Physiology
- Goyal R.K., Natvar M.P. and Shah S.A., Practical Anatomy, Physiology and biochemistry,
- Experimental Physiology
Social Pharmacy Book List
- Social Pharmacy – Innovation and development edt. Geoff Harding, Sarah Nettleton and Kevin taylor. The Pharmaceutical Press.
- Text Book of Community Pharmacy Practice. RPSGB Publication
- Community Pharmacy Handbook- Jonathan Waterfield
- S.Khurana, P Suresh and R Kalsi. Health Education & Community Pharmacy. S Vikas & Co
- Social Pharmacy: Tayler,Geoffery. Pharmaceutical Press. London.
Pharmacology Book List
- Satoskar, R.S. and Bhandarkar, S.D. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
- B. Suresh, A Text Book of Pharmacology
- Derasari and Ghandhi, Elements of Pharmacology
- S.K.Kulkarni ,Practical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
- Ex- pharm 1.00 soft ware
- H.K.Sharma. Principles of Pharmacology
- Mary J.Mycek, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Lippincott’s illustrated Reviews:Pharmacology
- Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology.
Community Pharmacy and Management Book List
- Health Education and Community Pharmacy by N.S.Parmar.
- Drug store & Business management by Mohammed Ali & Jyoti
- Handbook of pharmacy – health care. Edt. Robin J Harman. The Pharmaceutical Press
- Comprehensive Pharmacy Review – Edt. Leon Shargel. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- Good Pharmacy Practices Training Manual by IPA/CDSCO/WHO India
- Training Module for Community Pharmacists in TB Care and Control/ by MoH/IPA
- Hand Book of PharmaSoS, Drugs in Special population- Pregnancy and Lactation, Tobacco free future- Choice is yours: KSPC Publications.
Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Book List
- Essentials of Biochemistry by U. Satyanarayan, Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
- A Textbook of Biochemistry by A.V.S.S. Rama Rao, UBS Publishers’ Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
- Practical Biochemistry by R.C. Gupta and S. Bhargavan.
- Laboratory manual of Biochemistry by Pattabiraman and Sitaram Acharya
Pharmacotherapeutics Book List
- Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics – Roger and Walker, Churchill Livingstone publication
- Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics – Eric T. Herfindal, Williams and Wilkins Publication
- Applied Therapeutics: The clinical Use of Drugs. Lloyd Young and Koda-Kimble MA
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Book List
- A text book of Clinical Pharmacy Practice; Essential concepts and skills, Dr.G.Parthasarathi et al, Orient Orient Langram Pvt.Ltd. ISSBN8125026
- Text Book of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy by Dr Pratibha Nand and Dr Roop K Khar, Birla publications, New Delhi
- Gupta B.K and Gupta R.N., GPP in Hospital Pharmacy, Vallabh Prakashan
- Gennaro et al., Ed. “Remington: The Science & Practice of Pharmacy,” 20th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000
- The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy. Leon Lachman, Herbert Lieberman, and Joseph Kanig, editors. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia
- Chittion & Witcofski : “Nuclear Pharmacy,” Lea & Febiger.Aiiwodd & Fell
- Australian drug information – Procedure manual. The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia.
Pharmacy Law and Ethics Book List
- Forensic Pharmacy by B. Suresh
- Text book of Forensic Pharmacy by B.M. Mithal
- Hand book of drug law-by M.L. Mehra
- A text book of Forensic Pharmacy by N.K. Jain
- Drugs and Cosmetics Act/Rules by Govt. of India publications.
- Medicinal and Toilet preparations act 1955 by Govt. of India publications
- Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act by Govt. of India publications
- Drugs and Magic Remedies act by Govt. of India publications.
List of Pharmacy Books for B.Pharmacy Students
BPharm or BPharmacy is an undergraduate-level course in the Pharmacy field. B pharmacy is a four-year course and every year is divided into two different semesters. so there are 8 semesters in BPharm. Pharmacy Council of India already provided a Syllabus along with recommended books. We have shared the list of books here.
Human Anatomy and Physiology Book List
- Essentials of Medical Physiology by K. Sembulingam and P. Sembulingam. Jaypee Brothers medical publishers, New Delhi
- Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness by Kathleen J.W. Wilson, Churchill Livingstone, New York
- Physiological basis of Medical Practice-Best and Tailor. Williams & Wilkins Co, Riverview, MI USA
- Text book of Medical Physiology- Arthur C, Guyton andJohn.E. Hall. Miamisburg, OH, U.S.A
- Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora Grabowski. Palmetto, GA, U.S.A.
- Textbook of Human Histology by Inderbir Singh, Jaypee brother’s medical publishers, New Delhi.
- Textbook of Practical Physiology by C.L. Ghai, Jaypee brother’s medical publishers, New Delhi
- Practical workbook of Human Physiology by K. Srinageswari and Rajeev Sharma, Jaypee brother’s medical publishers, New Delhi
Pharmaceutical Analysis Book List
- A.H. Beckett & J.B. Stenlake’s, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol I & II, Stahlone Press of University of London
- A.I. Vogel, Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic analysis
- P. Gundu Rao, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- John H. Kennedy, Analytical chemistry principles
Pharmaceutics Book List
- H.C. Ansel et al., Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Drug Delivery System, Lippincott Williams and Walkins, New Delhi
- Carter S.J., Cooper and Gunn’s-Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students, CBS publishers, New Delhi
- M.E. Aulton, Pharmaceutics, The Science& Dosage Form Design, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh
- Lachmann. Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lea& Febiger Publisher, The University of Michigan.
- Alfonso R. Gennaro Remington. The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Lippincott Williams, New Delhi
- Carter S.J., Cooper and Gunn’s. Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publications, New Delhi.
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Book List
- A.H. Beckett & J.B. Stenlake’s, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol I & II, Stahlone Press of University of London, 4
- P. Gundu Rao, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd Edition
- Anand & Chatwal, Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- A.I. Vogel, Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic analysis
Communication Skills Book List
- Basic communication skills for Technology, Andreja. J. Ruther Ford, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2011
- Communication skills, Sanjay Kumar, Pushpalata, 1st Edition, Oxford Press, 2011
Remedial Biology Book List
- Text book of Biology by S. B. Gokhale
- A Text book of Biology by Dr. Thulajappa and Dr. Seetaram
- A Text book of Biology by B.V. Sreenivasa Naidu
- A Text book of Biology by Naidu and Murthy
- A manual for pharmaceutical biology practical by S.B. Gokhale and C. K. Kokate
Remedial Mathematics Book List
- Differential Calculus by Shanthinarayan
- Pharmaceutical Mathematics with application to Pharmacy by Panchaksharappa Gowda D.H
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Book List
- Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd
- Organic Chemistry by I.L. Finar , Volume-I
- Textbook of Organic Chemistry by B.S. Bahl & Arun Bahl
- Organic Chemistry by P.L.Soni
- Vogel’s text book of Practical Organic Chemistry
- Introduction to Organic Laboratory techniques by Pavia, Lampman and Kriz
Biochemistry Book List
- Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger
- Biochemistry by D. Satyanarayan and U.Chakrapani
- Textbook of Biochemistry by Rama Rao
- Practical Biochemistry for Medical students by Rajagopal and Ramakrishna
- Biochemistry by Stryer
- Textbook of Biochemistry by Deb
Pathophysiology Book List
- Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abas, Jon C. Aster; Robbins &Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease; South Asia edition; India; Elsevier; 2014
- Harsh Mohan; Text book of Pathology; 6th edition; India; Jaypee Publications; 2010
- Laurence B, Bruce C, Bjorn K. ; Goodman Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics; 12th edition; New York; McGraw-Hill; 2011
- V. Kumar, R. S. Cotran and S. L. Robbins; Basic Pathology; 6th edition; Philadelphia; WB Saunders Company; 1997
Computer Application in Pharmacy Book List
- Computer Application in Pharmacy – William E.Fassett –Lea and Febiger, 600 South Washington Square, USA, (215) 922-1330
- Computer Application in Pharmaceutical Research and Development –Sean Ekins – Wiley-Interscience, A John Willey and Sons, INC., Publication, USA
- Bioinformatics (Concept, Skills and Applications) – S.C.Rastogi-CBS Publishers and Distributors, 4596/1- A, 11 Darya Gani, New Delhi – 110 002(INDIA)
- Microsoft office Access – 2003, Application Development Using VBA, SQL Server, DAP and Infopath – Cary N.Prague – Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd., 4435/7, Ansari Road, Daryagani, New Delhi – 110002
Environmental Sciences Book List
- Y.K. Sing, Environmental Science, New Age International Pvt, Publishers, Bangalore
- Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental Biology, Nidi Publ. Ltd. Bikaner
Physical Pharmaceutics Book List
- Physical Pharmacy by Alfred Martin
- Experimental Pharmaceutics by Eugene, Parott
- Tutorial Pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn
- Liberman H.A, Lachman C., Pharmaceutical Dosage forms, Tablets, Volume-1 to 3, MarcelDekkar Inc
- Liberman H.A, Lachman C, Pharmaceutical Dosage forms. Disperse
- Physical Pharmaceutics by Ramasamy C and ManavalanR
- Test book of Physical Phramacy, by Gaurav Jain & Roop K. Khar
- Physical Pharmaceutics by C.V.S. Subramanyam
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Book List
- W.B. Hugo and A.D. Russel: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford London
- Pelczar, Chan Kreig, Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill ed
- Malcolm Harris, Balliere Tindall and Cox: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Ananthnarayan : Text Book of Microbiology, Orient-Longman, Chennai
- N.K.Jain: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi
- Edward: Fundamentals of Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Engineering Book List
- Introduction to chemical engineering – Walter L Badger & Julius Banchero, Latest edition
- Solid phase extraction, Principles, techniques and applications by Nigel J.K. Simpson- Latest edition
- Pharmaceutical engineering principles and practices – C.V.S Subrahmanyam et al., Latest edition
- Remington practice of pharmacy- Martin, Latest edition
- Unit operation of chemical engineering – Mcabe Smith, Latest edition.
Medicinal Chemistry Book List
- Wilson and Giswold’s Organic medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
- Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
- Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry, Vol I to IV
Pharmacology Book List
- Rang H. P., Dale M. M., Ritter J. M., Flower R. J., Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier
- Katzung B. G., Masters S. B., Trevor A. J., Basic and clinical pharmacology, Tata Mc Graw-Hill
- Sharma H. L., Sharma K. K., Principles of Pharmacology, Paras medical publisher
- Modern Pharmacology with clinical Applications, by Charles R.Craig& Robert
- Ghosh MN. Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology. Hilton & Company, Kolkata
- Kulkarni SK. Handbook of experimental pharmacology. VallabhPrakashan
- Mycek M.J, Gelnet S.B and Perper M.M. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews- Pharmacology
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Book List
- Text book of Pharmacognosy by C.K. Kokate, Purohit, Gokhlae (2007), 37th Edition, Nirali Prakashan, New Delhi
- Essentials of Pharmacognosy, Dr.SH.Ansari, IInd edition, Birla publications, New Delhi, 2007
- Mohammad Ali. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, CBS Publishers & Distribution, New Delhi
- W.C.Evans, Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy, 16th edition, W.B. Sounders & Co., London, 2009
- Tyler, V.E., Brady, L.R. and Robbers, J.E., Pharmacognosy, 9th Edn., Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1988.
Industrial Pharmacy Book List
- Pharmaceutical dosage forms – Tablets, volume 1 -3 by H.A. Liberman, Leon Lachman &J.B.Schwartz
- Pharmaceutical dosage form – Parenteral medication vol- 1&2 by Liberman & Lachman
- Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 20th edition Pharmaceutical Science (RPS)
- Pharmaceutics- The science of dosage form design by M.E.Aulton, Churchill livingstone, Latest edition
- Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy by Liberman & Lachm
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Book List
- Forensic Pharmacy by B. Suresh
- Text book of Forensic Pharmacy by B.M. Mithal
- A text book of Forensic Pharmacy by N.K. Jain
- Hand book of drug law-by M.L. Mehra
Herbal Drug and Technology Book List
- Mukherjee, P.W. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2002.
- Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry by V.D.Rangari
- Essential of Pharmacognosy by Dr.S.H.Ansari
- Pharmacognosy by Kokate, Purohit and Gokhale
- Textbook of Pharmacognosy by Trease & Evan
- Textbook of Pharmacognosy by Tyler, Brady & Rob
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Book List
- Bio pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics-A Treatise, By D. M. Brahmankar and Sunil B.Jaiswal,Vallabh Prakashan Pitampura, Delhi
- Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics by, Milo Gibaldi.
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics; By Robert F Notari
- Biopharmaceutics; By Swarbrick
- Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences, By Mack Publishing Company, Pennsylvnia
- Pharmacokinetics: By Milo Glbaldi Donald, R. Mercel Dekker Inc
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Book List
- B.R. Glick and J.J. Pasternak: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of RecombinantDNA: ASM Press Washington D.C.
- J.M. Walker and E.B. Gingold: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- S.B. Primrose: Molecular Biotechnology (Second Edition) Blackwell Scientific Publication
- Stanbury F., P., Whitakar A., and Hall J., S., Principles of fermentation technology, 2nd edition, Aditya books Ltd., New Delh
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Book List
- Quality Assurance Guide by organization of Pharmaceutical Products of India
- Good Laboratory Practice Regulations, 2 nd Edition, Sandy Weinberg Vol.
- A guide to Total Quality Management- Kushik Maitra and Sedhan K Ghosh
Instrumental Method of Analysis Book List
- Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by B.K Sharma
- Organic spectroscopy by Y.R Sharma
- Text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis by Kenneth A. Connors
- Organic spectroscopy by William Kemp
- Quantitative Analysis of Drugs by D. C. Garrett
- Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulations by P. D. Sethi
Pharmacy Practice Book List
- Merchant S.H. and Dr. J.S.Quadry. A textbook of hospital pharmacy, 4th ed.Ahmadabad: B.S. Shah Prakakshan; 2001
- Parthasarathi G, Karin Nyfort-Hansen, Milap C Nahata. A textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice- essential concepts and skills, 1st ed. Chennai: Orient Longman Private Limited; 2004
- William E. Hassan. Hospital pharmacy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1986.
- Tipnis Bajaj. Hospital Pharmacy, 1st ed. Maharashtra: Career Publications; 2008.
- Scott LT. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data, 4thed. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Inc; 2009.
- Parmar N.S. Health Education and Community Pharmacy, 18th ed. India: CBS Publishers & Distributers; 2008
Novel Drug Delivery System Book List
- N.K. Jain, Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, First edition 1997 (reprint in 2001)
- S.P. Vyas and R.K. Khar, Controlled Drug Delivery -concepts and advances, Vallabh Prakashan, New Delhi, First edition 2002
- Robinson, J. R., Lee V. H. L, Controlled Drug Delivery Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1992.
- Y W. Chien, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, 2nd edition, revised and expanded, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1992
- Encyclopedia of Controlled Delivery. Edith Mathiowitz, Published by Wiley Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. Chichester/Weinheim
Biostatistics and Research Methodology Book List
- Pharmaceutical statistics- Practical and clinical applications, Sanford Bolton, publisher Marcel Dekker Inc. NewYork
- Fundamental of Statistics – Himalaya Publishing House- S.C.Guptha
- Design and Analysis of Experiments –PHI Learning Private Limited, R. Pannerselvam
- Design and Analysis of Experiments – Wiley Students Edition, Douglas and C. Montgomery
All the book names and details shared in this post are shared by the Pharmacy Council of India. We are also providing the D.Pharm Notes and B.Pharm Notes for free. You can download and read them also. If you like the post ”PCI Recommended List of Pharmacy Books” kindly share it and support us. For university question papers download our android app.