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Pharmacy Council of India has issued a gazette for Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination on 24th February of 2022 that ordered that from the session 2021-22, the Diploma in Pharmacy students have been made mandatory to have the exit exam for becoming a registered pharmacist in the Pharmacy Council and obtaining a retail drug permit after passing the diploma. All Candidates will be eligible for registration as Pharmacist in State Pharmacy Counseling only after passing the Diploma in Pharmacy exit examination.

If you are a D.Pharm 2nd Year student then this article is going to be an awesome article. In this article, we are going to share some valuable information regarding this circular like Exam type, How many times the exam will be conducted in a year? What will be the syllabus of the exam? What will be the passing marks like many other questions. So read the whole article carefully and gain some awesome knowledge regarding Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination.
What is Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination ?
Pharmacy Council of India on 24th February 2022 released a gazette where PCI makes it mandatory to attend an Exit Examination for Diploma in Pharmacy Students to be eligible to become a Pharmacist and to apply for Pharmacist Registration. Only students who have passed the Diploma in Pharmacy course with more than 50% score will be only eligible for the course. This exit examination of Diploma in Pharmacy or D.Pharm students is known as Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE).
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Objective of Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination
The objective of the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) is to ensure that a candidate applying for registration as a pharmacist with the State Pharmacy Council has undergone pharmacy education and a comprehensive practical training programme in Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) course as provided in the Education Regulations, 2020 or the regulations that may be in force from time to time in an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and acquired core competencies in dispensing of medicines and other areas of pharmacy practice and to reinforce his discipline, integrity, judgement, skills, knowledge and quest for learning so that after having passed the examination he is able to become a registered pharmacist who is able to exercise his professional skills in addition to carrying his duty and responsibilities professionally.
Frequency of Diploma in Pharmacy Examination
- According to the gazatte released Diploma in Pharmacy Examination will be held two times in a year.
- Information regarding the Date of Examinations and Centre of Examination will be shared with the candidate by the Prescribed Authority based on available centre.
Eligibility of Diploma in Pharmacy Examination
- Diploma in Pharmacy degree holder who has already gain practical knowledge.
- Students have to gain the Diploma in Pharmacy degree from PCI approved Institute.
- Students have to pass the Diploma in Pharmay course with minimum of 50% marks in each paper separately.
Syllabus of Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination
- A Detailed syllabus of this examination will be shared in near future by the Pharmacy Council of India.
- There will be three papers of multiple choice questions in Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Hospital and Clicnical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence and Drug Store and Business Management.
- The question of the exam will be Multiple Choice Question type.
- The length of the exam will be of 3hrs.
- The language of the exam will be in English.
Is Exit Examination is Mandatory for B.Pharm Students also?
No, there is no news regarding this matter. However, the Pharmacy Council of India is thinking to Introduce the Exit Examination for B.Pharm students also.

Pharmacy Council of India has taken a good decision in the betterment of Pharmacy carrier. Many institutes were offering D.Pharm degrees to students without attending the colleges, exams. This examination will increase the value of Pharmacy education in India at a global level.
[…] in the syllabus of DPharm 2nd Year. Not only changed the syllabus but PCI has also introduced the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination for the D.Pharm students. A lot of things have been changed in the new syllabus of D.Pharm because […]