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Download the Best B.Pharm 3rd Semester Notes For B.Pharm 3rd Semester and 2nd Year Students For JNTU, MAKAUT, AKTU, RGUHS, RGPV, Dr M.G.R. Medical University, GPAT and many other University and competitive exams. These notes are made by experienced lecturers of different renowned universities in India that will help the students for quick revision at exam time. Our study notes help B. Pharmacy students to revise the whole syllabus in minutes. B.Pharm Notes clearly give you a short overview of the complete units of the B.Pharm Subjects subjects.
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Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II B.Pharm 3rd Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit I: Benzene and its derivatives
- Analytical, synthetic and other evidence in the derivation of the structure of benzene, Orbital picture, resonance in benzene, aromatic characters, Huckel’s rule
- Reactions of benzene – nitration, sulphonation, halogenation reactivity, Friedelcrafts alkylation- reactivity, limitations, Friedelcrafts acylation
- Substituents, the effect of substituents on reactivity and orientation of mono substituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction
- Structure and uses of DDT, Saccharin, BHC and Chloramine

Unit II
- Phenols – Acidity of phenols, the effect of substituents on acidity, qualitative tests, Structure and uses of phenol, cresols, resorcinol, naphthols
- Aromatic Amines – Basicity of amines, the effect of substituents on basicity, and synthetic uses of aryl diazonium salts
- Aromatic Acids* –Acidity, the effect of substituents on acidity and important reactions of benzoic

Unit III: Fats and Oil
- Fatty acids – reactions.
- Hydrolysis, Hydrogenation, Saponification and Rancidity of oils, Drying oils.
- Analytical constants – Acid value, Saponification value, Ester value, Iodine value, Acetyl value, Reichert Meissl (RM) value – significance and principle involved in their determination.

Unit IV: Polynuclear hydrocarbons
- Synthesis, reactions
- Structure and medicinal uses of Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Anthracene, Diphenylmethane, Triphenylmethane and their derivatives

Unit V: Cycloalkanes
- Stabilities – Baeyer’s strain theory, limitation of Baeyer’s strain theory, Coulson and Moffitt’s modification, Sachse Mohr’s theory (Theory of strainless rings), reactions of cyclopropane and cyclobutane only
Physical Pharmaceutics I B.Pharm 3rd Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Physical Pharmaceutics I Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit I: Solubility of Drugs
- Solubility expressions, mechanisms of solute-solvent interactions, ideal solubility parameters, solvation & association, quantitative approach to the factors influencing solubility of drugs, diffusion principles in biological systems. Solubility of gas in liquids, the solubility of liquids in liquids, (Binary solutions, ideal solutions) Raoult’s law, real solutions. Partially miscible liquids, Critical solution temperature and applications. Distribution law, its limitations and applications

Unit II
- States of Matter and properties of matter
- Physicochemical properties of drug molecules

Unit III: Surface and interfacial phenomenon
- Liquid interface, surface & interfacial tensions, surface free energy, measurement of surface & interfacial tensions, spreading coefficient, adsorption at liquid interfaces, surface active agents, HLB Scale, solubilisation, detergency, adsorption at solid interface.

Unit IV: Complexation and Protein binding
- Introduction, Classification of Complexation, Applications, methods of analysis, protein binding, Complexation and drug action, crystalline structures of complexes and thermodynamic treatment of stability constants.

Unit V: pH, buffers and Isotonic solutions
- Sorensen’s pH scale, pH determination (electrometric and calorimetric), applications of buffers, buffer equation, buffer capacity, buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems, and buffered isotonic solution.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology B.Pharm 3rd Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Microbiology Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Unit I
- Introduction, history of microbiology, its branches, scope and its importance.
- Introduction to Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- Study of ultra-structure and morphological classification of bacteria, nutritional requirements, raw materials used for culture media and physical parameters for growth, growth curve, isolation and preservation methods for pure cultures, cultivation of anaerobes, quantitative measurement of bacterial growth (total & viable count).
- Study of different types of phase contrast microscopy, dark field microscopy and electron microscopy

Unit II
- Identification of bacteria using staining techniques (simple, Gram’s &Acid fast staining) and biochemical tests (IMViC).
- Study of principle, procedure, merits, demerits and applications of physical, chemical gaseous, radiation and mechanical methods of sterilization
- Evaluation of the efficiency of sterilization methods.
- Equipment employed in large-scale sterilization. Sterility indicators.

Unit III
- Study of morphology, classification, reproduction/replication and cultivation of Fungi and Viruses.
- Classification and mode of action of disinfectants
- Factors influencing disinfection, antiseptics and their evaluation. For bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions
- Evaluation of bactericidal & Bacterios
- Sterility testing of products (solids, liquids, ophthalmic and other sterile products) according to IP, BP

Unit IV
- Designing of aseptic area, laminar flow equipment; study of different sources of contamination in an aseptic area and methods of prevention, clean area classification.
- Principles and methods of the different microbiological assay. Methods for standardization of antibiotics, vitamins and amino acids.
- Assessment of a new antibiotic

Unit V
- Types of spoilage, factors affecting the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical products, sources and types of microbial contaminants, assessment of microbial contamination and spoilage.
- Preservation of pharmaceutical products using antimicrobial agents, and evaluation of microbial stability of formulations.
- Growth of animal cells in culture, the general procedure for cell culture, Primary, established and transformed cell culture
- Application of cell cultures in the pharmaceutical industry and research
Pharmaceutical Engineering B.Pharm 3rd Semester Notes PDF Download
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Engineering Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.
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