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Download the Best B.Pharm 2nd Semester Notes For B.Pharmacy Students For JNTU, MAKAUT, AKTU, RGUHS, RGPV, Dr M.G.R. Medical University, GPAT and many other University and competitive exams. Our notes are created by experienced lecturers of different renowned universities in India that will help the students with quick revision at exam time. Our study notes will help students to revise the whole syllabus in minutes. These Notes clearly give you a short overview of the complete units of the B.Pharm subjects.

Human Anatomy and Physiology II PDF Notes

Nervous System
- Organization of nervous system, neuron, neuroglia, classification and properties of nerve fibre, electrophysiology, action potential, nerve impulse, receptors, synapse, neurotransmitters.
- Central nervous system: Meninges, ventricles of brain and cerebrospinal fluid.structure and functions of brain (cerebrum, brain stem, cerebellum), spinal cord (gross structure, functions of afferent and efferent nerve tracts,reflex activity

Digestive System
- Anatomy of GI Tract with special reference to anatomy and functions of stomach, ( Acid production in the stomach, regulation of acid production through parasympathetic nervous system, pepsin role in protein digestion) small intestineand large intestine, anatomy and functions of salivary glands, pancreas and liver, movements of GIT, digestion and absorption of nutrients and disorders of

Respiratory System
- Anatomy of respiratory system with special reference to anatomy of lungs, mechanism of respiration, regulation of respiration
- Lung Volumes and capacities transport of respiratory gases, artificial respiration, and resuscitation methods.

Urinary System
- Anatomy of urinary tract with special reference to anatomy of kidney and nephrons, functions of kidney and urinary tract, physiology of urine formation, micturition reflex and role of kidneys in acid base balance, role of RAS in kidney and disorders of kidney.

Endocrine System
- Classification of hormones, mechanism of hormone action, structure and functions of pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, pineal gland, thymus and their disorders.

Reproductive System
- Anatomy of male and female reproductive system, Functions of male and female reproductive system, sex hormones, physiology of menstruation, fertilization, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, pregnancy and parturition

Introduction to Genetics
- Chromosomes, genes and DNA, protein synthesis, genetic pattern of inheritance
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I PDF Notes
Biochemistry PDF Notes
Pathophysiology PDF Notes

Unit I
- Basic principles of Cell injury and Adaptation
- Basic mechanism involved in the process of inflammation and repair

Unit IV
- Inflammatory bowel diseases, jaundice, hepatitis (A,B,C,D,E,F) alcoholic liver disease
- Disease of bones and joints
- Principles of cancer
Computer Application in Pharmacy PDF Notes
Environmental Sciences PDF Notes
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