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Download the Best Notes For B.Pharm 1st Semester and 1st Year Students for JNTU, MAKAUT, AKTU, RGUHS, RGPV, Dr M.G.R. Medical University, GPAT and many other University and competitive exams. These notes are made by experienced lecturers of different renowned universities in India that will help the students for quick revision at exam time. Our study notes help B. Pharmacy students to revise the whole syllabus in minutes. These study materials clearly give you a short overview of the complete units of the B.Pharm Subjects.

Human Anatomy and Physiology I B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Human Anatomy and Physiology I Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Introduction to Human Body
- Definition and Scope of Anatomy and Physiology
- Structural Organization and Body Systems
- Basic Life Processes
- Homeostasis
- Anatomical Terminology

Cellular Level of Organization
- Structure and Function of Cell
- Transport Across Cell Membrane
- Cell Division
- Cell Junction
- Cell Communication
- Intracellular signalling pathway activation by the extracellular signal molecule
- Forms of Intracellular Signaling

Tissue Level of Organization
- Classification of Tissues
- Structure of Tissues
- Location and Functions of Epithelial, Muscular and Nervous and Connective Tissue

Skeletal System
- Divisions of Skeletal System
- Types of Bone
- functions
- Functions of bones of axial and appendicular skeletal system
- Organization of skeletal muscle
- Physiology of muscle contraction
- Neuromuscular Junction

- Structural and functional classification of Joints
- Types of joints movements and its articulation

Body Fluids and Blood
- Body fluid
- Composition and Functions of Blood
- Hemopoeisis
- Formation of Hemoglobin
- Anemia
- Mechanisms of Coagulation
- Blood Grouping
- Rh Factors
- Disorders of Blood

Lymphatic System
- Lymphatic organs and tissues
- Lymphatic vessels
- Lymph Circulation
- Functions of Lymphatic System

Peripheral Nervous System
- Classification of Peripheral Nervous System
- Structure and functions of Sympathetic Nervous System
- Structure and functions of Parasympathetic Nervous System

Cardiovascular System
- Heart
- Regulation of Blood Pressure
- Electrocardiogram and Disorders of Heart
Pharmaceutical Analysis I B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Analysis I Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Definition and scope
- Different techniques of analysis
- Methods of expressing concentration
- Primary and secondary standards

- Sources of errors
- Types of errors
- Methods of minimizing errors
- Accuracy
- Precision and significant figures

Acid-Base Titration
- Theories of acid-base indicators
- Classification of acid-base titrations and theory involved in titrations of strong, weak, and very weak acids and bases
- Neutralization curve

Non-aqueous Titration
- Solvents
- Acidimetry and Alkalimetry Titration
- Estimation of Sodium benzoate and Ephedrine HCl

Precipitation Titrations
- Mohr’s method, Volhard’s,
- Modified Volhard’s, Fajans method
- Estimation of Sodium chloride

Complexometric Titration
- Classification
- Masking and Demasking Reagents
- Metal ion Indicators
- Estimation of Magnesium sulphate, and calcium gluconate.

- Principles and steps involved in gravimetric analysis
- Purity of the precipitate: co-precipitation and post-precipitation
- Estimation of barium sulphate.

Redox Titrations
- Concepts of oxidation and reduction
- Types of redox titrations (Principles and applications)
- Cerimetry, Iodimetry, Iodometry, Bromatometry, Dichrometry, Titration with potassium iodate

- Electrochemical cell, construction and working of reference (Standard hydrogen, silver chloride electrode and calomel electrode) and indicator electrodes (metal electrodes and glass electrode), methods to determine the end point of potentiometric titration and applications.

- Principle
- Ilkovic equation
- construction and
- Working of dropping mercury electrodes and rotating platinum electrode
- Applications
Pharmaceutics I B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutics I Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

History of Pharmacy
- History of the profession of Pharmacy in India in relation to pharmacy education

- Definition
- Parts of Prescription
- Handling of Prescriptions and Errors in prescription

- Definition
- Factors affecting Posology
- Pediatric dose calculations based on age, body weight and body surface area.

Pharmaceutical Calculation
- Weights and measures – Imperial & Metric system
- Calculations involving percentage solutions
- alligation, proof spirit and isotonic solutions based on freezing point and molecular weight.

- Definition, Classification, Advantages and Disadvantages of Powders
- Simple & Compound powders – official preparations, dusting powders, effervescent, efflorescent and hygroscopic powders
- Eutectic mixtures. Geometric dilutions

Liquid Dosage Form
- Advantages and disadvantages of liquid dosage form
- Excipients used in the formulation of liquid dosage form
- Solubility enhancement techniques

Monophasic Liquids
- Definitions and preparations of Gargles, Mouthwashes, Throat Paint, Eardrops, Nasal drops, Enemas, Syrups, Elixirs, Liniments and Lotions

- Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages and classification of Suspension
- Preparation of suspensions
- Flocculated and Deflocculated suspension & stability problems and methods to overcome

- Definition and Classification of Emulsion
- Emulsifying agent
- Test for the identification of the type of Emulsion
- Methods of preparation & stability problems and methods to overcome.

- Definition, types, advantages and disadvantages of Suppositories
- Types of bases
- Methods of preparations
- Displacement value & its calculations
- Evaluation of suppositories

Pharmaceutical incompatibilities
- Definition and classification of Pharmaceutical incompatibilities
- physical, chemical and therapeutic incompatibilities with examples.

Semisolid dosage form
- Definitions, classification of Semisolid Dosage Form
- Mechanisms and factors influencing dermal penetration
- Preparation of ointments, pastes, creams and gels
- Excipients used in semi-solid dosage form
- Evaluation of semi-solid dosages forms
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.

- History of Pharmacopoeia
- Sources and types of impurities
- Principle involved in the limit test for Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Arsenic, Lead and Heavy metals
- Modified limit test for Chloride and Sulphat

Acids, Bases and Buffer
- Buffer equations and buffer capacity in general
- buffers in pharmaceutical systems
- preparation, stability, buffered isotonic solutions, measurements of tonicity
- calculations and methods of adjusting isotonicity

Major extra and intracellular electrolytes
- Functions of major physiological ions
- Electrolytes used in the replacement therapy: Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride, Calcium gluconate and Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS)
- Physiological acid base balance

Dental Products
- Dentifrices
- role of fluoride in the treatment of dental caries
- Desensitizing agents
- Calcium carbonate, Sodium fluoride, and Zinc eugenol cement
Communication Skill B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Communication Skill Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Remedial Biology B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Remedial Biology Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Remedial Mathematics B.Pharm 1st Semester Notes
Here in this section the best Remedial Mathematics Notes for B.Pharm Students are topic-wise available. All the notes available here are made according to the syllabus provided by the Pharmacy Council of India.
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