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Last year The Pharmacy Council of India make some revolutionary changes in Diploma in Pharmacy syllabus and introduced the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination saying that every Diploma in Pharmacy student has to clear this exam to become a Registered Pharmacist. So in this post of MyPharmaGuide, we are going to compare some of the best books for Diploma in Pharmacy exit examination and suggest you the best book so you can prepare well for this very important examination. You can also download D.Pharm 1st Year Books and Notes and also D.Pharm 2nd Year Books and Notes from our website.

What is Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination?
The Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination is an eligibility test for Diploma in Pharmacy students who already passed their 2nd Year final examination and are all set to become Registered Pharmacists. Diploma in Pharmacy final year passed students need to qualify for this Exit Examination and also have to complete the internship of 3 months to become eligible for Registered Pharmacist. This year PCI introduce this new eligibility test system to increase the quality of Pharmacy education in India along with this The Pharmacy Council of India has also changed the syllabus for both Diploma in Pharmacy first year and 2nd year and introduced some latest topics like Pharmacovigilance and many more.
What are the Books available for Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination preparation?
There are many books of different publications are available for DPEE. Most of the books are from Nirali Prakashan, Thakur Publications, ACME Publishers and JBC Press. We have shared some basic overviews and their purchase link of the books so you can easily purchase the Hardcopy or Ebooks if you want to purchase them.

D.Pharm Exit Examination Kit
- 5000+ MCQs
- All Major Subjects Covered
- 430 Pages
- Subject-wise breakup available
- Price: ₹351
- Thakur Publication
- Has a good collection of MCQs than most of the other books available for the diploma in pharmacy exit examination.
- Both Hindi and English versions are available
- The price is little bit high compared to others

D.Pharm Exit Examination
- 2500+ MCQs
- All Major Subjects Covered
- 280 Pages
- Price: ₹315
- Nirali Prakashan
- Recommended by experts
- The price is low compared to others
- One of the highest rated Diploma in Pharmacy Exit examination book available on Amazon
- Low number of MCQs available compared to others.

D.Pharm Exit Examination
- 3000+ MCQs
- All Major Subjects Covered
- Model Paper Solved
- 170 Pages
- Price: ₹325
- JBC Press
- Solved Model Papers
- Paper quality not up to the quality
- Low number of pages

D.Pharm Exit Examination
- 8000+ MCQs
- All Major Subjects Covered
- Subject-wise Practice Question with Model Papers
- 1500+ Model Questions
- 546 Pages
- Price: ₹599
- High number of MCQs compared to other diploma in pharmacy book
- Subject-wise Practice Question with Model Papers
- 1500+ Model Questions
- Price is high compared to other but the contents they providing justifying the price
Wrapping Up
All books shared are good enough for your preparation as most of them include many numbers of MCQ question answers according to the topics. Though only reading these preparation books is enough for the preparation and you must have a basic knowledge of the topics for this you have to read your syllabus books for D.Pharm 1st Year and D.Pharm 2nd year very carefully.
superb post sir, big fan of you