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Here is the complete list of Best MOOCS Courses of different platforms like NPTEL Swayam, Coursera, Edx, Udemy, and Simplilearn. All the courses listed in this post are for all the B.Pharm students. If you are a first-year student you can apply for this or if you are a fourth-year student still you are eligible to apply for these Massive Online Open Courses. As we all know that every B.Pharm student have to earn at least 8 points in his or her 4-year B.pharm course in order to get the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours according to the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)‘s new Model Curriculum for Bachelor program
Best MOOCs Courses available for B.Pharm students online
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What is MOOCs?
MOOCs mean Massive Online Open Courses. MOOCs are online courses that are open means free for everybody. MOOCs courses are introduced to provide an affordable way to learn new skills. There are so many platforms that are providing MOOCs courses online some of them are
- NPTEL Swayam
- Coursera
- EdX
- Udemy
- Simpilearn
NPTEL is very popular among Indian students but you can also select courses from Coursera or EdX or Udemy you will also get credit points from them if you passed the examination like NPTEL. Where NPTEL offers courses free of cost and charges if you are opt-in for the certifiucate and willing to give the examinations. But all other charges some fees for the courses as well as for the certificates.
Why should we apply for MOOCs courses?
According to the All India Council of Technical Education’s latest Model curriculum for the bachelor’s degree, a student earns 160 points in his/her all 4 years and he/she need additional 8 points to get Bachelor’s degree with Honours. So if you want an Honours degree with your Bachelor degree then you have to apply for the MOOCs courses and have to earn 8 points during your 4 years of undergraduate degree
List of Best MOOCs Courses of NPTEL
NPTEL Swayam is one of the best option for all the students to apply for the courses. NPTEL offers all the courses at free of cost and we have to pay only for the examination fee if you want the certificate. If you dont need the certificate then you dont need to pay anything to NPTEL.
Here is the list of best NPTEL courses for the Pharmacy stduents.
Course Name | Institute | Duration | Link |
Computer-Aided Drug Design | IITM | 8 Weeks | Click Here |
Drug Delivery: Principles and Engineering | IISc | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Organic Chemistry in Biology and Drug Development | IITKGP | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Spectroscopic Techniques for Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries | IITD | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Bioenergetics of Life Processes | IIT Kanpur | 4 Weeks | Click Here |
Animal Physiology | IITKGP | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Biochemistry | IITKGP | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Medicinal Chemistry | IISER Pune | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Industrial Inorganic Chemistry | IITKGP | 12 Weeks | Click Here |
Biomedical Nanotechnology | IIT Roorke | 4 Weeks | Click Here |
Best MOOCs Courses of Other Platforms
If you want then you can also apply for the MOOCs course through EdX. Here you can also learn for free but if you want the certificate then you have to pay some charges to them. Some best MOOCs courses for B.Pharm students are given below.
Course Name | Institute | Duration | Link |
Medicinal Chemistry: The Molecular Basis of Drug | DavidsonX | 7 Weeks | Click Here |
Principles of Biochemistry | Harvard University | 15 Weeks | Click Here |
Proteins: Biology’s Workforce | RICEx | 5 Weeks | Click Here |
The Immune System: New Developments in Research – Part 1 | OsakaUx | 4 Weeks | Click Here |
Metabolomics in Life Sciences | OsakaUx | 4 weeks | Click Here |
Molecular Biology – Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair | MITx | 8 Weeks | Click Here |
Molecular Biology – Part 2: Transcription and Transposition | MITx | 7 weeks | Click Here |
Molecular Biology – Part 3: RNA Processing and Translation | MITx | 8 weeks | Click Here |
Autophagy: Research Behind the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine | TokyoTechx | 3 weeks | Click Here |
Prescription Drug Regulation, Cost, and Access: Current Controversies in Context | Harvard University | 8 Weeks | Click Here |
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